In the last few years that I served as an elder, and as I was discovering what the WTS really was, the term "Old School" would be used and it began to bother me more and more. It was usually used to praise a person with a mean, unwaivering, dogmatism to an obselete policy. A couple of times I would ask the person what he meant by the term. The discussion was similiar to this
Me: What do you mean by "Old School"
Other Elder: Well, it's a strict adherance to WTS policy. Things were better in those days, back in the days of Rutherford, Knorr
Me: Is "Old School" a scriptural term?
Other Elder: Well no. but it produces a better product
Me: I think I maybe know what you mean. I know of someone who I think was of the "Old School", and do you know what he used to say?
Other Elder: No what
Me: He said "My yoke is kindly and my load is light" And I'm pretty sure that that school is older than your "Old School"