My wife was raised in an ultra hardcore JW family, and together with me served faithfully for many years to Hojovah....
Now, due to my apostate influence educational efforts she:
- Went to a JW meeting only maybe 5 times in past year (just for the public talk)
- Was not present at service meeting for almost 2 years
- Missed most conventions
- Doesnt object our son going to birthday parties
- Doesnt object christmass decorations in our house
- Packs christmass gifts in christmass wrapping paper
- Read Crisis of consciene and basicly agrees with the book
- Agrees, that most JW policies are unbiblical and false
- Was not in house to house service for several years
and so and so.... actually I do not find on her and her behaviour anything what makes normally a person a JW... but she still believes she is one!
Its kind a schizophrenia for her, she doesnt know what her position is....
Would you tell such person straght she actually is not a JW anymore? Could that push her guilt feelings and direct her back to borg? Or it could help her to understand that its over and she is out .....
Did you have similar experience?