... how you can take a book written centurys ago, and vague at that, and try to decern what the writers "really" meant and how the doomsday prophecys "really" indicated our times. Doesn't feel like your chasing your tail? Why not, eat and drink for tomorrow you MAY die? Seems like a worry free life to me, whereas on the other hand your always trying to justify and explain away doctrine, beliefs, and passages...
Religious people are funny
by sinis 37 Replies latest jw friends
So are non-religious people.
People are funny.
The Master Craftsman is totally awesome!
How are non religious people "funny"? ("Funny" as in nuts, "two cards short of a deck", etc) I really could care less about religion, god, and whatever happens in the future. You don't see non-religious people getting all tweaked about "sin", how did I not please uber god today, or any other ridiculously obtuse ideals.
AK - Jeff
How can there even be such a thing as 'sin' when the base definition of it begins with a fable about a naked woman believing the lies of a snake in a perfect garden and ruining the whole thing for us by eating an apple.
Ludicrous is not a big enough word.
For someone who "couldn't care less about religion, god, and whatever happens in the future," you sure get worked up about it a lot.
Come on in out of the cold. You know you want to.
That goes for you, too, AK_Jeff
I get worked up because religios have blinded the eyes of the world. We all come to terms eventually one day. Let me know how that kingdom, and salvation idealogy goes, ok? Especially when you'll be waiting up to and including your death bed, only to not know that some young sucker will be falling into the same trap, waiting his whole life for something to take place, when in reality SOMETHING BIG happened - he, like other religios pissed his whole life away, seeking something that was non-tangible, and based on wreckless interpretation.
Trust me, I don't need to come out of the cold. The non religious stay nice and warm all the time.
Now don't get me wrong I love reading bedtime stories to my little boy but this is on tale that is just too tall to read. I could never poison his mind.
It must have been written by some big fairies!!!!!!!!
Mad Sweeney
A clever drunk once said, "Religion is a snare and a racket," and he was quite right.
Just as a friendly reminder to all the "non-religious" folks here. There has never been a culture studied in the totality of all of human history where that society did not have a religion.
Atheists have a great religion.....It's called Nothing Created Everything ....Now that's funny!
Very funny.