That's the incredible statement made by the Watchtower in 2007. (*** g 11/07 p. 8 4. Scientific Accuracy ***) It's nothing new though, they've been churning out variations on this theme for decades . . .
1951 *** w51 6/1 p. 325 par. 2 How Practical Is the Bible? ***
Though the Bible is not provided as a textbook on science, yet when it touches on scientific matters it is accurate and true.
2007 *** bh chap. 2 p. 21 par. 8 The Bible—A Book From God ***
the Bible is not a science textbook. But when it touches on scientific matters, it is accurate.
But something has changed, we do not live in 1951 anymore (not that the 50's we're scientifically illiterate). Really, what excuses are there for swallowing this type of dogma in 2010? We all have access to information our grandparents could barely conceive of, why disregard all that? And does it not betray brazen dishonesty on the part of any creationist group to print statements like that today when the refutation is so abundant and complete?
Really, would any believer here dare to agree with the Watchtowers bald statement that "the Bible contains no scientific inaccuracies"?