Are there any hunters on this forum? Can you help me?

by Robdar 50 Replies latest jw friends

  • TD
    Or, are you just shitting me along?

    The factoid really is true. In some wolf populations, like in the Middle East, they almost all have this feature.

    But I mentioned it mostly in fun.

  • Robdar

    TD: The factoid really is true. In some wolf populations, like in the Middle East, they almost all have this feature. But I mentioned it mostly in fun.

    Ah, so you have fun scaring vulnerable women? Awesome! Teach me!

  • BurnTheShips

    Either the prints were imperfect or became so, or the animal was mutated, or you hosted an otherworldy presence that night.

    This thread is worthless without pictures.

    Please post a picture of the paw print, with Robbie posing next to it for scale.

  • Robdar

    BTS: this thread is worthless without pictures. Please post a picture of the paw print, with Robbie posing next to it for scale.

    Sad but true. I really should bring my camera with me more. If you want a picture of me though, I'll be glad to email you one.

  • BurnTheShips

    Well! You have a PM.


  • moshe

    They have had a bad winter up north in the Dakotas and the wiley Jackalope has been forced to fly south to find food- get a gunny sack and wait for him tonight, he'll come back, I'm sure!

  • Robdar

    Moshe: They have have a bad winter up north in the Dakotas and the wiley Jackalope has been forced to fly south to find food- get a gunny sack and wait for him tonight, he'll come back, I'm sure!

    LOL! And another one of my favorite resident smartasses chimes in.

  • Robdar

    BTS: Well! You have a PM.

    Well! You have an answer to your pm. And an email.

  • Twitch

    ok, ok, it was me,.....;)

  • Robdar

    Twitch: ok, ok, it was me,.....;)

    Um, thanks to that photo exchange we did a couple of weeks ago, you are welcome to come around most anytime.

    Next time though, please come by my apartment and not my son's house. Oh, and bring your bass. LOL

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