Suppose that a superior intelligence created everything in the universe and for all we know ours could be just one of an infinite number of universes which seems to be very plausible these days but no way of knowing for sure (yet).
Would such a creator match up with the personality of the Biblical Deity? Would such a creator be filled with emotional jealousy over worship given to other deities as false as they may be, and becoming enraged to the point of annihilating those who worshipped albeit false gods.
Would his anger blaze over some relics he gave his people to symbolize his presents and they mishandled them like the case of Uzzah who tried to steady the Ark of the Covenant?
Would he get angry at his creation Adam& Eve who were as the bible says innocent and had no knowledge of good and bad and so ate of the fruit and were kicked out of paradise to suffer and raise offspring doomed to suffer over a trifle that they committed while ignorant and naked?
Lets take a look at a busy super intelligence that can take all things into account.
I guess that to be a super intelligent Creator able to make something out of nothing and able to see everything all at once everywhere in the universe would require an information system that would have to be instantaneous and would not be limited to the speed of light as this would be far to slow to reach him to be effective or useful especially if he could not be contained in the universe he created. And add to that the mind he would have to have to be able to process all that information happening everywhere in this universe that covers billions of light years of space filled with all types of stars, galaxies, planets and the different life forms on those planets.
Needless to say such a being would have a lot going on in his mind.
I think we could realistically compare the mind of such a phenomenal Creator to the mind that is common in our human species as vastly beyond ours. I think I would be using no exaggeration to say it could only be weakly comparable to our own intellect and that of a worm or perhaps the lowest form of life that has only a bunch of nerve endings constituting as rudimentary brain and our own.
Am I fair to conclude this? I thinks so.
And I think that any emotional similarities to the human species and an all wise Creator would by deduction have to be shear "anthropomorphism's" (the representation of objects (especially a god) as having human form or traits) and thus any representations found in the bible are logically born out of men's minds and not the result of a revelation into the mind of God or through a spoken word originating from.
Thus we find the bible is full of anthropomorphism's, such as God gets tired after six days of work and rest on the seventh, God has a wife, God get filled with anger and it comes up into his nostrils, God hide his face from us,God pants and gasps and looses all self control, he becomes indignant, aroused to jealousy, finds pleasure in whole burnt offerings as they smell like a restful odor to him.
So is it reasonable to conclude that a superior Deity would really feel like we do? or would he have bigger fish to fry?