What do you guys think?
Is there a true religion????????
by heybaby 41 Replies latest jw experiences
I tend to agree.... I just don't see how there could be. And I can't see how any right-minded person can justify it. Maybe there's something I don't understand about religion. If so, I'd love to have it explained to me.
If there is, we will find out... at the end of all things.
Only this:
OnTheWayOut, you hit the nail on the head
It is fallacy often taught by a religion that seeks to keep their followers from leaving and joining another. It is often based on the claim that they have the correct doctrine and so you need to give over to them obedience in order to please an angry God who will destroy you if you leave them.
Many religions teach that they are the true one and that God is so petty that if you don't have their particular brand of biblical understanding that you are doomed and not worthy of salvation as if getting salvation were a matter of getting a good score on some bible quiz.
I will go with the 1938 slogan.......
"Religion is a racket and a snare"
"Religion" is based on faith, not fact. Don't get me wrong, I'm a man of faith. The problem is, since religion is by definition faith-based, it's impossible to declare any religion "true" or "false" in the factual sense, because if that could be done, it would cease to be religion - it would be science.
Personally, I believe that one day, we will all achieve a state where we all just "know" the truth (and I mean "religious" truth). Whether we all wake up one day after having the same dream (and something inside tells me something very similar will happen one day) or achieve it gradually, I think it is inevitable. But until that happens, declaring any religion "true" or "false" is pretty much pointless. I mean, if a religion teaches that the sky is red, that's obviously untrue. But as to whether or not God even exists, much less has a true church/org/congregation - I mean, that's a matter of faith. It can't be proven. The whole "God's Organization" vs. "Satan Organization" scenario, while not impossible, is not really Scriptural - and let's not forget that it was cooked up by Rutherford (a lawyer - surprise surprise), not Russell. Hell, JWs/Bible Students didn't even like to refer to themselves as a "religion" for decades!