if i have to sit here and listen to the father reading any more experiences from the yearbook i'm gonna puke. hes all happy cause they are such great experiences. they hold on so desperately to hear something exciting because their own daily lives are so bleak. give me a break. if he wants to hear some experiences from witnesses he should read the 'personal experiences' section of this board. thats what being a witness is all about. not some farmer in the congo that found literature and started delivering it.
experiences from the 2002 yearbook.....venting
by flower 13 Replies latest jw friends
LOL your post made me laugh because it is SO TRUE!!
I can remember my family getting the new Yearbook with glee and reading to us stories of how people made it through adversity (walked 15 miles to the Hall, tread through 8 inch deep manure to preach in the boondocks,etc...)
My family would sigh and praise the endurance of the Witnesses in the Yearbook and remark how we may find ourselves in such circumstances. Yeah right!!It's their own twisted way of making the hell you have to go through actually look wonderful, in comparison. (See kids, we have a car to ride to the Hall in.. and no manure to walk in while we go in service all day!! Arent we lucky?)
refiners fire
Wish I was there. Together you and me would take those "hicks from the sticks" to pieces.Lol.
I once said to somebody, "I think that those stories are a little distorted."
I got the cold shoulder.
"Hand me that whiskey, I need to consult the spirit."-J.F. Rutherford
Jeremy's Hate Mail Hall Of Fame.
http://hometown.aol.com/onjehovahside/ and [email protected] -
"I used to travel through a river of hungry crocodiles with my children on my head to get to the meeting."
"Why didn't you use the bridge?"
"There was a bridge? Nooooo..."
In 1975 a crack team of publishers was sentenced to death by a judicial commiteee. They promptly escaped from the cult and now live life on the run. If you have a problem ... and if you can find them ... maybe you can contact the A--postate Team"
Last week in service, an elder in our car group was rattling off some experiences. Then, believe it or not, someone in the group actually kind of wondered out loud if those experiences are exaggerated. And low and behold, there was actually a bit of laughter in the group.
Also, most of those gems occur in underdeveloped lands. Makes you wonder as well.
Well, let me tell you....when I was an active JW, I traveled 15 miles to the Kingdom Hall in a Volkswagen Beetle. Not the new ones, mind you, but one of the old ones....without a gas gauge, and a heater that kicked in approximately 35 yards from your destination. And I had no shoes to wear, but would wrap my feet in old rags that would get caught on the clutch pedal while driving, making it almost impossible to shift, so that I would have to travel most of the way along dark country roads in first gear....all alone (okay, my Mom was with me), but it was scary, and the engine would whine, and I never knew if I had gas or not, and the rags would prevent me from kicking the little lever for the reserve tank, so I'd have to crawl on the floor to push the lever over while still trying to drive, with my mother's screams echoing in my ears as the car careened back and forth across the road. But I did this all to serve Jehovah. (Okay, I lied about the rags....and the crawling....but the VW was real, and so was the lack of a gas gauge).
LOL RedhorseWoman...
I am sending your story to the Society.. I want to see it in the next YearBook, dammit!!!
Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it.
Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.
Goethe -
if i have to sit here and listen to the father reading any more experiences from the yearbook i'm gonna puke.
Why not join with your Dad in sharing these fine examples of total stupidity?Grab the 1971 yearbook, and crack it open to page 134. Read with him there the fine example of the brother from Western Samoa. Yes, the brother with the family of 11, who needed money to attend the international convention being held in Fiji. Read together how this brother approached his employer to request liquidation of his superannuation (retirement) fund in order to have the money to get to the feast of spiritual food. Read "with emphasis" how he reasoned that his retirement fund would be of no use in the coming Great Tribulation!
Marvel at how this brother squandered his family's future finances on the folly of the "faithful and discreet slave's" fuck-up.
It being thirty-one years down the road now, discuss what sort of retirement this brother and his family of 11 might have had. What a great experience from the yearbooks!