I wonder how long it will be until we hear about JW's helping only JW Haitians
by restrangled 33 Replies latest watchtower scandals
I don't blame them, it would be too much to take care of everyone on the island.
This mistakenly wound up under scandals, I didn't mean it to be, am not clear on how to change it. On the other hand, I'm going to feel mighty upset, if JW's just help JW's. The entire population needs help. How and why.... if it happens, would they pick and choose as to those they will help.
I have the sinking feeling that's exactly whats going to happen.
The real question is will we hear about how many wicked people helped JW haitians.
I would think the JWs will have their hands very full helping only the JWs.
Jehovah's Witnesses somehow were the first to arrive in Haiti, their boats powered by Holy Spirit cut off the U.S. Coast Guard and docked right before the Red Cross. Those agencies were still bogged down in the red tape of diplomacy when the Witnesses were handing out food and water and the latest Watchtower and Kingdom Ministries to their brothers and sisters. Apparently, only Jehovah's Witnesses were able to repair the homes of their members before the next scheduled meetings, something those in Christendom had not even tried to do. This allowed the Witnesses to have their regular meeting on time.
Their quick action amazed the neighbors and caused hundreds of them to come to the Kingdom Hall to learn about these people and thousands of them have started Bible studies because they hope to be Witnesses for the next disaster to come their way.
OTWO: LOL, sadly, their official media site has not mentioned their own. Or...edited to add, they have not even acknowledged the disaster yet.
Must be pretty comfy, up there in Bethel. The world can fall down around you, and as long is your hind end isn't in danger of something....the admin. will get to addressing the problem when it's convenient.
But surely, after the fact we will hear of many heart moving stories, (unsubstantiated ofcourse)
Here is how you can help those in need, according to the JWs, please ignore the vomit, I had to wipe it off my keyboard:
**Donations for a specific relief effort are gratefully accepted. However, it is preferred that such donations be made to the worldwide work of Jehovah’s Witnesses, since monies are drawn from this fund as the need arises.
“I’m hoping that when I leave school, I can get a job as an electrician. I want to help build Kingdom Halls.”—Tristan, 14.
“I am donating 20 dollars for the new printing press. It’s my allowance money, but I want to give it to you.”—Abby, 9.
IN AN era when some are quick to label youths as self-centered, many young ones—including those quoted above—are proving to be just the opposite. Among Jehovah’s Witnesses, many young men and women use their time, energy, and resources to serve others. (Psalm 110:3) Consider some further examples.
Shortly after his grandmother died, seven-year-old Jirah in Australia received a gift of $50 from his grandfather. What did Jirah do with the money? At the next congregation meeting, he put the entire amount into the donation box. Why? “I have enough toys, but I had only one grandma,” Jirah explained to his mother. “I know that Grandma would have wanted me to donate this money, because she loved Jehovah very much.”
Five-year-old Hannah from the United States loves horses. She wanted to buy a toy horse, which cost $75. In an effort to teach her the value of saving, Hannah’s parents occasionally gave her money to put into a piggy bank. Soon Hannah had more than enough money to purchase the horse.
About that time, however, Hurricane Katrina devastated the Gulf Coast. Hannah was concerned about the victims, so she decided to donate her entire savings—more than $100—to help them. Hannah wrote to the headquarters of Jehovah’s Witnesses: “I want to give this money to you because I love Jehovah and I want to help.” Does Jehovah see such acts of generosity? The Bible says: “Do not forget the doing of good and the sharing of things with others, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.”—Hebrews 13:16.
A young girl named Tiffany, also from the United States, contacted the headquarters of Jehovah’s Witnesses after two hurricanes hit Florida in 2004. “My brother Timothy and I would like to donate $110,” she wrote. “Our house did not receive too much damage, but we saw what the storms did to other houses. We wanted to help, so we started to save our money. Timothy got $10 for helping to rip out drywall from a house, and I was able to save $100.” Tiffany is 13 years of age, and her brother Timothy is just 7! What happens when we put others’ interests ahead of our own? Proverbs 11:25 states: “The one freely watering others will himself also be freely watered.”
My first post was suppose to give you religious statistics for Haiti, They didn't show. JW's seemed to be about 13,000.
We'll have to wait a whole year for the 2010 Yearbook to come out.