AndersonsInfo thanks for the information. The poor people of Haiti have and are experiencing difficult times. Any help is better than no help for these people. If the help comes by means of the WTS, Mormons, Red Cross, or various governments, the help is very much needed. I heard that many in Haiti are even without the necessities.
Preliminary report: 58 JWs died in Haiti
by AndersonsInfo 33 Replies latest jw friends
The Witnesses will help their own first. That's not bad. At least other agencies won't have to tend to them. Hopefully,
they will also help all those who live around the Witnesses. If they do they will have a lot to do.
I gave donations to the 'red cross' for Haiti , my heartfelt prayers to "all my humain brothers and sisters and children that have been struck in this 'holocaust'. Divine love is not limited to one race or religion , it never was . Only sectarian care for their own!!
I remember when Katrina hit and the congregation was asked to make room for brothers in need if they possibly could. I gladly told the elders my home was available. I was disappointed that no one was ever directed my way. Looking back, I really think it was because I wasn't doing enough for the cult, recruitment-wise (aka "field service").
They would never shelter a stranger...bad association....and that they hold above the "weightier measures of the law" justice, mercy faith.
I am saddened by this natural disaster. Whether, Jehovah's Witnesses, Christians or non-religious, many people have lost their lives.
Where the WTS will fail, as it always does, is once it has seen to the immediate needs of their own, they will be back into 'preaching' mode. They feel that the message is more important than anyone else - remember the World Trade Center - they handed out tracts!
The WTS has no doctors or medics they can offer (they discourage higher education) and they have no infra-structure to handle this sort of situation.
As mentioned before, any donations go to the 'Worldwide Work' - what ever they choose that to be.
LATEST UPDATE ABOUT OUR BRO's & SIS's IN HAITI Here is the latest today, as was announced at the Construction Workshop in Santiago (Dominican Republic), which is overseen by the branch office: The trucks of provisions which were sent from the Dominican branch were met at the border by brothers from the Bethel in Haiti.
These brothers have been guiding the vehicles through as the streets are full of people, and this makes progress more difficult. As there are still 15-20 aftershocks every night, even those who still have their houses standing feel safer out on the streets than inside a building. Therefore it has been slower getting through the country.
The food has been sent to the Assembly Hall disaster centre close to Port-au-Prince, where they have a kitchen in order to cook and provide the food to the brothers and sisters there.
It has been easier than before the earthquake for people to pass over the border to get to hospitals here in the Dominican Republic. There have also been doctors sent from here into Haiti to help.
As far as relief work goes, the branch here is only looking for witnesses who have medical experience, as anyone else would be a burden at present.
We will keep you updated as we hear further news.
An excerpt from the Associated Press:
Stevenson Belgrade, a 22-year-old auto mechanic with halting but steady English, asked an Associated Press team for water, medicine and latex gloves for 40 families huddled in a Jehovah's Witness hall. Someone had come by in the morning and thrown two bodies on their front door, he explained.
He persisted through several explanations that there were no provisions, only a few latex gloves to offer, never really giving up even as the conversation ended.
"When can I come back for help?" he asked, his voice falling slightly to a whisper. "We are beaten."
"If you believe Disaster Relief means rebuilding Kingdom halls and helping your fellow believers you probably are a J.W."
I don't mean to make light of the situation in Haiti. Our family is prayerfully awaiting news of a precious little girl there we've been sponsoring over the past six years. But sometimes laughter is the best medicine, and this garnered a smile. In fact, if there were a book, I'd buy it...a traveling comedy act, I'd pay to see it!
The food has been sent to the Assembly Hall disaster centre close to Port-au-Prince, where they have a kitchen in order to cook and provide the food to the brothers and sisters there.
Are they only giving shelter and food to fellow JWs as this implies?
These brothers have been guiding the vehicles through as the streets are full of people, and this makes progress more difficult. As there are still 15-20 aftershocks every night, even those who still have their houses standing feel safer out on the streets than inside a building. Therefore it has been slower getting through the country.
Maybe it's just my interpretation, but this reads as though actual victims were hindering them...I know it isn't possible to help everyone, but I can't help thinking that non-JW victims really do not matter.