Welcome Paulapollos,
I read your posts and find them very interesting. As a long time bethelite, you obviously have an excellent insider knowledge of the organisation. Judging from the acute awareness you've reached about power process within this org, I suppose that you haven't gotten it overnight and it matured as you were still at Mill Hill, which must not have been an easy thing for you to live with. You must indeed have experienced a terrible inner stress due to cognitive dissonance.
As for your prediction that the GB will soon claim to be the FDS, I can tell you that I heard this assimilation from the platform at the last district assembly I attended 18 months ago in Paris, plainly laid out by a french heavy bethel member you may know, bro. COUSY. I pointed out this afterward with various JWs, nobody seemed to bother. Tells a lot about how mentally dull JWs have become, as regards their own theology.