change of position on DF'd persons?

by refiners fire 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mulan

    We are totally shunned, and are not df'd or da'd. But we were very prominent, and the rumor mill was rampant about our being apostates. I am always smiling and friendly when I see dubs, but they act like I am invisible. I have one friend, who still calls me all the time, and we even go places together. Her disclaimer to everyone who is critical, is that nothing was ever announced, and I don't talk about the dubs to her.........which isn't really true, but who would know?
    We assume that because we were so well known, that we are being made examples of. Princess and her family are shunned too, but her husband was also prominent, and they are related to us, so we think that is the reason.

    Marilyn (a.k.a. Mulan)
    "No one can take advantage of you, without your permission." Ann Landers

  • teejay

    I am always smiling and friendly when I see dubs, but they act like I am invisible.


    This makes me think back to when I was a Dub. If I happened to run across a df'd/apostate person and they were smiling, I'd think that they were a little crazy or up to something. If they were frowning, scowling or otherwise NOT smiling (just having a bad day like everyone else does sometimes), I'd think that demons had descended on them, wreaking havoc in their miserable little lives because they left the truth.

    If one lives outside the Organization, there is no pleasing loyal JWs . Might as well get on with life, eh?


  • dungbeetle

    refiners fire said...>Id sure like the opinion of a resident site expert, like Farkelman or Amazing...but theyve all abandoned us.<

    Harumph...why didn't you just email him in the first place then?

    And seeing as how (((AlanF))) has posted nine times in the last two days, when did he abandon us pray tell?

    Dungbeetle...of the <snorting> class

    oh and flower...see my answering post up there? See the pretty little colored line? Click on it, or cut and paste or whatever, that is a relevent Watchtower article.


    In 1975 a crack team of publishers was sentenced to death by a judicial commiteee. They promptly escaped from the cult and now live life on the run. If you have a problem ... and if you can find them ... maybe you can contact the A--postate Team"

  • hippikon

    When I started to get pissed off with the cong I made an efort to talk to Dfd people just to irritate the elders. - It worked



    I doubt they would talk to your mother in the congregation. Only away from the hall.

    As mention here, some people feel that dis'f is wrong and harsh and will go out of their way to be nice, though not in front of the elders etc.

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Do you scuttle around after AlanF, like those 'some'who followed after apollos, cephas? or whatever their names were.
    Strange that you know EXACTLY how many times AlanF has posted in the last 2 days. Weird.
    (Lol Beetle)
    Ill tell mummy theres an experiment going on. That will appeal to her paranoia. are right. All encounters have been out in the street or the supermarket.well spotted.
    Thanks all.

  • orangefatcat

    I have a copy right in front of me from the Watchtower datedDec 1 2001. It is in "Questions From Readers"., the question is Does God's direction recorded at Jeremiah 7:16 mean that Christians would not pray about someone whas been expelled from the Christian congregation because he is an unrepentant sinner?
    its a discusion on Manasseh's gross sins,

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Is that IT!?
    Aint you gonna tell us what the article says?
    You have a captive audience...

  • orangefatcat

    I have a copy right in front of me from the Watchtower datedDec 1 2001. It is in "Questions From Readers"., the question is Does God's direction recorded at Jeremiah 7:16 mean that Christians would not pray about someone whas been expelled from the Christian congregation because he is an unrepentant sinner?
    its a discusion on Manasseh's gross sins. The conclusion of the article says its okay to pray for someone disfellowshipped, but it would be in private prayers not at the hall. That is basically what it says I scanned this article and if anyone would like to see a copy of the article just e-mail okay my friend. Love u all OFC

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Thats an official softening of the position there .
    Never thought Id live to see it.Yet another compromise with the world.
    My little Mormon friends reckon their church is softening up too.
    Somethings goin on here...a shift to ecumenicalism perhaps.

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