Zazu, well, if you can't figure out your mood, I would suggest infusion of Hops. Make sure you drink it from a frosted glass.
by larc 41 Replies latest social entertainment
Dear Bob:
Not new. The US has been transporting garbage and other debris to
third world countries, such as Africa, for years now...when I first
found out about it in 1994, they had been actively involved in trying
to find someplace else to unload on. From what I understand the US
pays money to these other countries for being able to dump their
garbage there. It seems other countries do not care, they are poor
and need the money. Perhaps it will take some of the strain off the
landfills over here. But, I doubt it.Sincerely,
Need assistance. Forgot what UserName
and Email Address was used. Not sure
I used Email Address listed above.
But can be contacted there to retrieve
valued information. Please help!! -
Hey Patricia,
In South Carolina, there are still land sites for pay where other states bring their garbage to dispose in our state. I believe some of those are chemical disposals, but not sure about that.
There was a big "stink" about it approx. 5 years ago, but the citizens were told that these were legitimate contracts, etc.
That's the way it goes.
Hey Waiting,
I wish you would tell me something nice about your state. I used to like it down there. Now, I don't know what to think and Zazu is not around right now to tell me what to think.
By the way, Michigan, where I spent much of my time for the last 15 years, has more chemical dump cites per square mile than any other state.
If I was a Michigander (what we were called) did that make Zazu a Michigoose?? Inquiring minds want to know.
You mentioned the potential for nuclear attack on SC. Dayton, Ohio would probably take a direct hit. Wright Patterson Air Force Base is the logistics command center for the entire air force. BTW, when there are hurricane warnings in the south, the air force flies their planes up to Dayton to get them out of harms way. We are on the flight path and can hear the increased activity.
Speaking of garbage:
I remember the days in the city when 2 times a week I would take the garbage to the front of the house, and some really nice guys would put it in a REALLY smelly truck and take it away for me.
NOW , I have to put REALLY smelly garbage and put it in my REALLY nice car and take it to the dump. That is not all!!!! I then have to pay a very nice lady $ to take my garbage:)
What is this world coming too?
wendy -
You should move to Oakwood, a towm where I live that borders Dayton. OH. In Dayton, you put garbage at the curb once a week. In Oakwood, they come up your driveway and pick it up by the side of your house. We have snow here, but the city cleans the side walks, we don't have to.
I try to look on the bright side. I'd rather be where there is a direct hit and be vaporized, rather than be farther out and die slowly of radiation poisoning.
My cheerful thought for the day.
hey larc,
Sunny minds must think alike. I agree fully. Definitely do not want to be a survivor of a war - zap me fast and clean.
Thanks, sunshine!
Waiting and Red Horse Women,
What happened to you anyway???? No news?? AW, come on now, you're just slacken off.
Now for the news...The suburb here of Beavercreak actualy has a highschool and the lady's basketball team is ranked number one in the state and number 16 in the nation. Now that's the good news. The bad news is on TV today they referred to them as the "lady beavers". Now, that will cause people to giggle for one thing and for another, it's a redundancy.
Found out something else - found a site where you can read almost every newspaper. Looked at Columbia and Providence papers and I was going to post stuff I found that would spook you out, but that ain't right. Actualy, the reason I didn't do it was I was too damn lazy.