WT Book on Jeremiah?

by bohm 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • bohm

    Hey - quick question. I had a pretty confusing BS today, and at the end the elder said something about a verse-by-verse commentary on jeremiah chapter 25. Im trying to find it on the CD-rom but so far no luck. Does this ring any bells with you? Has the WTS puplished any books on jeremiah?

  • DNCall

    No books, but it could be a series of study articles in the WT.

  • AnnOMaly

    Rings no bells with me.

  • Farkel

    Beth Hell sources tell me that in the summer District Assemblies this year the society is going to release a book on that subject. It is called "Then is Finished The Mystery of Jeremiah - For Now."


  • bohm

    Thanks for the replies, i could have *sworn* he said there was, but the entire study was so surreal it might have been wrong - there was a lot of confusing on weather Jeremiahs profesy of the 70 years of servitude/desolation was the same as daniels profecy against Nebuchadnezzer...

  • AnnOMaly

    Maybe this elder doesn't have a very good grasp of the subject himself.

  • slimboyfat

    Not chapter 25, but Babylon the Great Has Fallen! has a commentary on Jeremiah 50 and 51 on pages 242 to 304.

  • dozy

    Don't think that there has been a specific Watchtower publication on the entirety of Jeremiah on a verse by verse basis. Fred Franz used to specialise in these but the WTS tends to shy away from these nowadays - the last one was on Daniel (if you don't count the new , revised Revelation Climax book).

    The last time they discussed Jer 25 was the Watchtower 1st March 1994 pages 18-20 with the usual bashing of "christendom".

  • bohm

    Thanks slimboy, but dont waste anymore time on this. i regret i started the topic. Two times ago, when we agreed what we should study next, we had the same confusion. I drew a large diagram with jeremiahs 70 years, how they related to the destruction of jerusalem and how daniels profecy was used to get the 2520 years and finally get to 1914. I made it very clear i was interested in jeremiah only. We even agreed on study questions we should have answered (Which i started another topic about here).

    After the initial confusion was cleared up and two copies of 'pay attention to daniels profecy' was put away, we read a WT article from 94 where jeremiahs profecy is discussed in light of relevation and applied to the coming armageddon. It was a 'how happy it make us to think of the bodies piled high in the streets'-kind of article, and i am VERY sure he didnt mean for me to read it.

    After that 'Insight in the Scripture' was found and the questions answered (well, ofcourse some of them are wrong, for example we have that the 70 years ended the moment people returned, not when they prayed at the temple site, but i digress). Fun fun.

    I got to admit, i thought every elder knew this stuff on his fingertips..

  • slimboyfat
    Don't think that there has been a specific Watchtower publication on the entirety of Jeremiah on a verse by verse basis. Fred Franz used to specialise in these but the WTS tends to shy away from these nowadays - the last one was on Daniel (if you don't count the new , revised Revelation Climax book).

    How could you forget the epic two-volume verse-by-verse ordeal that was Isaiah's Prophecy - Light for All Mankind?

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