Hi everyone. Thanks for the responses. I remembered a few more things. First of all, we moved 40 miles away from our old congregation so we could get away from these people. It was my little sister who gave them my new address at the hall down the street from here. It has literally been 11 years since we moved. I asked the brother last night:
"Soooo, can I get clarification from you? What exactly is our standing? We have no clue. We just up and moved away without even saying goodbye. Do our cards still exist? Where are they? Do they ever get thrown out?"
He responded that we are in a "Gray area of inactivity." Our cards are at the old hall. That was why he said I could write a letter to DA myself if I want. Another thing I told him was, "I don't have any friends who are JWs. I don't know any JWs other than you and my sister. Everyone I used to know either left or I lost contact with because I didn't preserve the relationships. I never even think about you guys. My life is so full of friends and family that I don't have time to think about JWs." His face was like
Then he said some lame thing about how whenever we see someone on the street with a Bible and a briefcase and well-dressed that EVERYONE knows who they are. And I said, "Actually, it was not uncommon decades ago for door to door salespeople to be on the streets. I rarely see JWs on the streets and if by chance I do, I don't give them a second thought. I'm sure most of the world doesn't give them a second thought either." His face again
Another side note is that in December he came by when we were not home and my daughters took the magazines from him. We had all our Christmas decorations and even an "I love Santa" sign up. So they have plenty to work with if they really want to do something. But I think their hands are tied because our cards are 40 miles away. Unless the CO comes around someday and wants to rattle some cages in which case I'll threaten to sue HIM personally.
My husband was reminding me of all I said this morning and he said what Flipper said, "Just cuz he's a nice guy, don't think he doesn't have an agenda....I think you gave yourself away."
The funny thing is that I don't give a darn. Seriously, messing around is kind of fun. You know, saying things without saying them and being passive aggressive with them. I enjoy these little visits.