Just don't know what to do.

by Weeping 74 Replies latest jw friends

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    According to Statistic Canada, the 1991 census found only 335 Canadians who identified themselves as Satanists.


    Starting in 1980, there was a growing and widespread belief that Satanists were involved in Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) and killing of innocent infants, children and adults. In the late 1980s, believers in SRA expanded their accusations to include a wide variety of other small religious groups as perpetrators. Belief in SRA faded during the 1990s due to a complete lack of hard evidence. It is accepted by most investigators to be a Christian urban legend, based on fear, misinformation, and false memories created during recovered memory therapy.



    Considering the above, your statement: "You most certainly have met one.", is pretty outlandish.

    Do you happen to know AK-Jeff personally?

    Oh, and, the link you provided doesn't load for me either.


  • leavingwt


    Recommended Reading:

    Combatting Cult Mind Control by Steve Hassan


    Many of the fears that you currently have are most likely IRRATIONAL fears. The book above will assist you with recognizing the irrational fears that Watchtower has slowly indoctrinated you with.

    I hope you find the great freedom of mind that so many of us have found.


  • shopaholic


    Your world is as you see it. If the world is full of bad people and the JW org is full of loving people, then the answer should be quite simple. Why not make a list of pros and cons for each group based purely on your experience. Go with the winner until you feel its time for you take another look at your life.

    As a collective group of people, JWs are simply a reflection of the ills and goodwills of humankind. Whatever you find among people in general, you will find among the JWs and vice versa. Regarding doctrine, there are many among the world's religions with which you will not agree. So what do you do? Leave the planet?

    It sounds as if your conflict is deeper than the doctrines of a religion.

    If the world, from your experience, is a scary place full of terrible people and the JW organization is kind and loving with a few strange doctrines then it seems like you know what you should do. At least for now.

    So pull out that Watchtower and get to studyin'...

    May you find abundant joy in the lesson we call life,




    I disagree on some doctrine with the organisation. Yet, I also know these are the kindest,most loving people on Earth. Such people must be guided by the Holy Spirit. I went out into the world when I was a teenager and in my early 20's. I began smoking and drinking. I began to have an attitude of 'what's in it for me' like all the other worldly people. I stole from my family and even dabbled in demonic rituals and Satan worship. One evening while attending l concert, i passed out after trying marijuana. I came to and could not think properly. I immediately contacted the Elders.

    I've lived a clean life since those times and I just don't want to return to that lifestyle. The world is truly a dangerous place and satan truly will devour a person. There is no love outside of the organisation.

    Thank you all. I understand what you mean. Maybe I shouldn't judge all worldly people based on those I knew. But in my experiences they all seemed so lost. Group sex, the occult and hard core drug use were the norm. You can at least admire the brothers helping us steer clear of these traps that are so easy to fall in to.

    There are some good people. At least they are 'nice'. But what is the motivation? You would be shocked at the number of Satanists in the world. There are lawyers, businessmen, even deacons who engage is satan worship and sex perversions behind closed doors.

    A few more words on this. Why do I think Satan worship is so attractive to people? Well, the devil can give a person many things. Money, power, career success, sexual gratification. When you have the opportunity for these things it's very easy to think only short term. The people engaging in this seem like good decent people. So it's easy to think whats the harm in engaaging in Satan worship? You see what I mean?.....Weeping


    You left the JW`s and became a Depraved Lunatic?..

    Theres not a lot of people like you,in the outside world..

    You should go back to the JW`s,so the rest of the world can be safe..

    .............................. ...OUTLAW

  • Weeping

    Outlaw, keep your smart comments to yourself.

  • diamondiiz

    Hello Weeping:

    Sadly you imagine that what you did while a teenager is what life is outside of the watchtower. What you did was rebel and many kids go through that. When people who leve watchtower without knowing the truth about the watchtower religion feel guilty and feel that they aren't worthy of life. Some may explode nd go wild and it appears that's what you did and some implode which may led to suicide. Some who leave watchtower without knowing the facts return to the cult as their lives have not improved without the "mother" religion as they are still prisoners to the religious teachings. Some find the truth and get help to overcome the mental abusee caused by the watchtower while others live their lives with guilt never returning and never finding out that watchtower is a fraud.

    Now, what you should do, is do a thorough research into their teachings and history to see what watchtower really is. Yes, there are a lot of good people trapped in the religion but that can be said also of many other religions and the sincere people who attend their church services. You don't need to become an athiest, nor do you have to become an agnostic but many of us have for different reasons for choosing that path. As you aren't kid anymore you can tell the difference between choosing friends that will be true to you in or outside of religion and I'm not talking about within watchtower religion as these friendships are only dependant on you following the watchtower teaching even as wrong as some of it it - that is a cult mentality. The watchtower "friends" for most part will abandon you once you state publicly your view on teachings that oppose that of the watchtower and in my book these are not true friends.

    There is nothing black and white and we don't have all the answers nor does anybody else. Part of growing up is knowing who you are and what you're doing is benefitting you and if you want it may benefit others but it's not dependant of being prisoner of someone needing to tell you how to act and what to be like to gain prize that is a dream. There are many who are not watchtower followers who believe in god and there are those who even have similar views on basic watchtower doctrines, after all basic watchtower doctrines didn't originate with Russell. This is a good board to learn about watchtower history and ask questions for your own research and hopefully you don't believe everything we say without double checking it for yourself as you owe it to yourself to do a proper research into the watchtower teachings and history. More you learn the more feelings you will experience that you have been lied to by the organization that you put faith in and you will start your healing process which takes time. If you need watchtower old publications for reference we can direct you as IMO those references confirm what watchtower taught and what they hide from their present followers and the new recruits as they like to label their past as old light and not important.

    Truth will set you free, but not the wts "truth"

  • diamondiiz


    One more thing, are you honest with us about your age? Reason I ask is because most grown adults just don't believe in the satanism nonsense that you describe. Mostly kids who listen to death metal or black metal think satanism is cool, and all that but then they grow up and even if they continue to listening to their "devil" music they don't think about satan nor do they pursue this invisible creature that doesn't answer just like god doesn't answer you unless you're high on acid or something that may make your brain imagine things. But really the satanism obsession is childish stage in few people's lives nor the norm, nor does it continue through people's lives. So honestly are you in your 50s as you claim?

  • Weeping

    I am 56.

    I don't find satanism cool. I find it terrifying. I see the signs and realise there are many hidden satanists among us. Some of them even attend church, hold jobs etc. There is a man and woman living a few houses down from me. I'm convinced they are practicing satanists.

  • leavingwt
    I am 56.
    I don't find satanism cool. I find it terrifying. I see the signs and realise there are many hidden satanists among us. Some of them even attend church, hold jobs etc. There is a man and woman living a few houses down from me. I'm convinced they are practicing satanists.

    Please humor me. . .

    If your neighbor is a practicing satanist, how will this negatively impact your life?

    Have you had an opportunity to read the book that I suggested earlier?


  • mrsjones5

    Weeping, you should ask them if they are Satanists.

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