"False Brothers and JW's on this Board"

by Erich 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Erich

    Sorry, folks, I must do it…
    Yesterday, I got hurt in my heart, and my stomach-ulcus' almost exploded, when I read as follows:

    You Know wrote:

    By far, though, the most spiritually dangerous type of apostate are those who lurk among Jehovah's Witnesses falsely posing as loyal brothers and sisters. There are many on this board who do just that. It is the lowest sort of slithering betrayal for such false brothers to associate with Jehovah's people, shaking hands and smiling, all the while hating everything about us and secretly plotting with our enemies against us. The apostle Paul made mention of the dangers of false brother and false apostles in his day.

    Further YK wrote:

    You have no back-up from the WTBTS to do this, so why?
    Sure I do. They have issued numerous warnings about apostates on the Internet posing as brothers.

    YK: What type of "falsely posing JW's on this board" did you mean ??

    There are only 2% JW's in this forum who are neither df'd nor da'd nor INACTIVE JW's. I have got the feeling to belong to this very small group.

    So, when I read that stuff, I felt concerned thereof. You do consider me to be an apostate of the lowest sort. A Judas Iscariot, a betrayer. That's no question at all. Because I'm almost the only one in this forum who has enough courage - as an active JW - to brand all failures and weaknesses which happens in our organization.

    Since a depressed brother (and friend of mine) died through suicide long time ago, me and my wife are doing our best in our congregation to help brothers and sisters suffering under deep depressions. Of course, me and my wife don't write down many preaching hours. You cannot take care for the welfare of your brother, and write down simultaneously many preaching hours. That's quite impossible.

    I exactly know what sickness a depressive person is feeling. Many elders in congregations do not feel this pain - at least - not yet. Me and my wife began to suffer 15 years ago, and after many, many backstrikes, we feel better now. Do you allow me to tell the actual base for deep depressions and suicides within the congos?

    The reason are people like YOU KNOW. Elders and higher functionaries in the organization having the same characters and attitudes as YOU KNOW. With fundamentalistic claims on themselves. They feel that they have found the ABSOLUTE wisdom and the ABSOLUTE truth. They feel that they were given the ABSOLUTE knowledge about bible's prophecy. They feel that they were given ABSOLUTE permission to proclaim what is ABSOLUTELY the right; and they that they were given the ABSOLUTE correct standard of true belief and the ABSOLUTE and ultimate facts about the world-situation. YOU KNOW: Read your own statements and predictions and bets you made about worldly proceedings, and then you will see how screwed your own opinions are - as well as regarding that, what the bible tells us about the "end of system"; and as well as regarding that, what happens in reality day by day...

    I can imagine the mode how you do a talk in your congo; and how you are going to speak unconsidered words (as quoted above) to young and sensitive brothers or sisters. Many inexperienced brothers and sisters become discouraged and despaired. They do not know anything. They are going to ask themselves: "Is this me, whom he has just meant ? Or is this the brother sitting next to me? Or is it the brother who is not present at the meeting today? Is this brother, who is not present today, sick or even weak? Or - oh shock! - did he possibly get df'd meanwhile since his last presence one month ago? Questions, questions...

    That type of treating young brothers and sisters with anxiety is not what Jesus Christ would have been preferring long time ago. I am sure: NO, NEVER !!!! This type of hidden talking to an " presumed invisible opponent" is unfair and cowardly. Such a sort of talking has been invented during Hitler, Stalin, or Mao Tse Tung, to accuse "invisible" opponents via radio. Such a type of RF-talking has been invented to the purpose that they are feeling themselves insecurely, guilty and impeached, uninterrupted, all the time, during all days and nights. Mostly they had not the mental strength to stand the pressure and mobbing, and finally, they ended in psychiatric clinics or suicide. In such a manner there was no need to deliver them into a prison anymore...

    No, YOU KNOW, such a sort of New Order that you obviously proclaim to come, is not that type of world system I desire. Sorry. I am not happy with the vision to live billions of years in a system, which is obviously installed by SATAN, and NOT by the almighty and righteous God YHVH/JHWH and his son Jesus Christ....

    Nevertheless, I hope for the self-cleaning-ability of our organization. This will done by the will of the Almighty God. But until this cleaning-process get finished, you have no right to accuse anyone of the forum-members in being an "apostate". Further, nobody has the right to allege that the Internet is "Satans instrument to accuse Jehovahs organization". No. Please read the bible carefully. As long as there are suicides, or terrible occurrences (see "scully" or "flower" or "mommy dark" etc.), you rather should consider the JW-pages as "lovely provision of Jehovah" to "put the things right".

  • mindfield
    you rather should consider the JW-pages as "lovely provision of Jehovah" to "put the things right".

    Whoah. I never thought of it that way. I'll be able to better defend myself when and if my mom catches me on this board!

    Thanks for the beautiful post too, erich. Your compassion is truly one to be admired. You are the type of JW that is lacking nowadays... one that can still use his brain, but also cares about his fellow man, even though his beliefs are not quite the same. I wish you good luck, and thank you on behalf of those you help for your hard work!!!

  • Carlo

    Check out if this is a false brother or what:



  • El Kabong
    El Kabong

    I know it's hard, but try not to pay attention to people like this. I could never understand why there are so many responses to posts made by people like YK/Fred ect.

    They are just writing this stuff to get a charge out of people. They would tick me off, but I just had to stop and ask myself, why? I ususally just ignore their posts

  • chappy

    Busted Carlo, you're a double agent.

  • Richie

    YouKnow claims that someone is of the worst possible kind if he/she would pose as a brother/sister while being overly friendly to real witnesses but all the while manipulating the Society to bring it down to nothing secretly.
    Only Jehovah knows the hearts of men perfectly without any deviation. Precise judgments only issue forth from a perfect Creator and this God, Almighty as He is, is so far above all puny humans, that whatever these "lowly" human beings proclaim, would account to NOTHING when compared to the Creator of all things!
    YouKnow is not able to read the hearts of individuals, nor is the Watchtower organization able to do that in the slightest degree!
    Jehovah is a forgiving God who can peer into the deepest recesses of our hearts and kidneys enabling Him to discern all true motivations. And even if these motivations point to a small degree of sincerity - though only slighly so - then Jehovah would dwell on that positive heart condition and He certainly would not judge men to be "wicked" and "beyond all hope" and thus not worthy of consideration anymore.
    YouKnow lacks the humility and servility in all his assessments on other human beings as he compares them to a rigid manifesto of rules and regulations by which he judges accordingly within a framework of absoluteness and using human standards as a benchmark.

    Richie :*)

  • BluesBrother

    Speaking as a "Slithering betrayer" I will no doubt attend the meeting tomorrow - to support and accompany my wife, and to keep alive the one thread that remains of the marriage. I do not believe it deceitful to attend and quietly listen. I do not comment or even sing any more.

    We should be well used to the ranting of blinkered Watchtower clones who repeat what they are fed from the Org. Ignore it.

    I like your thoughts about the depressed we have done some assisting ourselves, there is certainly a need in the congs!

  • Erich


    many thanks for this interesting link.;-)

  • RipVanWinkle


    The Indians are famous for the statement: I will judge no man until I have walked in his mocassins for 2 miles.

    Unfortunately people who promote themselves as kings and judges have so little experience. They may be able to rattle off scripture verbatim, but they do not understand the message of the Christ which was one of love, compassion and understanding.

    There is nothing in the human so fragile as the mental/emotional aspect. I have had family members who have suffered depression and emotional disturbances due to feeling inadequate and needing to try harder HARDER,HARDER! Until they burn out and collapse under the pressure only to be told that they must be spiritually inadequate. What cruel and heartless judges!

    I have family who have attempted suicide and still suffer from the effects of the overdose. Just recently a friend succeeded in suicide. The results of a JC. There are too many people with some sort of mental/emotional disturbances brought on by stress etc.
    Of course we know the stigma attached to depression, panic attacks, borderline personality, manic depression, PTS etc. etc. So if you take meds - just don't tell or the spy glass will get you.

    I agree with your statement about the cleaning. As long as wrongs can be swept under the carpet there will be no change. People who have power to change are unwilling. The 'willing' are without power.
    Forums such as this have exposed the need to change. Confronting the problems is a beginning. But I fear we have a long way to go. Change will not come by 'human power'. Although humans may be used to effect change. I feel a certain sadness for people like You Know. Because they come on as a super self righteous judge and lose the power they may have to heal others. One of the last posts that You Know made on the old H2O he sorted out his feelings and surprisingly deep down in speaks a different speech. On the regular board he comes out as a devil's advocate. If/when I dig out his old posting I will post it. It was his best post. Just not sure whether he is Jekyll or Hyde.


  • teejay

    By far, though, the most spiritually dangerous type of apostate are those who lurk among Jehovah's Witnesses falsely posing as loyal brothers and sisters. There are many on this board who do just that. It is the lowest sort of slithering betrayal for such false brothers to associate with Jehovah's people, shaking hands and smiling, all the while hating everything about us and secretly plotting with our enemies against us. The apostle Paul made mention of the dangers of false brother and false apostles in his day.

    That was an interesting comment by YK. About twice every six months he says something profound but usually not in the way he meant. Like now.

    His comment made me think of ONE thing.

    T H E O C R A T I C --- W A R F A R E

    Didn't the WTS (according to its claim) pose as a supporting associate of the UN only to gather information about it so that it could then write scathing articles to denounce the very organization they were sucking up to and playing nicey-nice with?

    If they knew of the WTS's duplicity, couldn't the UN now say that those jehovahs were only "shaking hands and smiling, all the while hating everything about us and secretly plotting... against us"?

    Why did the Watchtower leadership do that? Why did they suck up to the Wild Beast of Revelation, feigning interest and suport, only as a ruse to do that organisation injury?

    Theocratic Warfare.

    As they say... all's fair in love and war.

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