Hello "notsureyet." I was at Bethel '69-'74. On leaving Bethel, gradually and in phases, I sorted through my doubts, re-evaluations, and the mazes of the Watchtower. I became "inactive" due to many moves. During that time I had 5 children and because of my children I had to really come to a conclusion as I knew I would have to answer to them someday. By mid-80s, I left altogether, with reading Ray Franz' book, "Crisis of Conscience" which tied it all together to completion.
Now your children are going to university, and never baptized, I can only suspect they have plenty of doubts since evidently they have not done or or chosen the complete committment of baptism, pioneering now, etc. and now appreciating their education value. It sounds like your children and your husband have deep respect for you. I suspect, when you are ready, you will be able to gradually open up your doubts or concerns regarding the WTS to your children and husband and probably with their acceptance.
None of my 5 children were ever baptized and all have put themselves through college (with scholarships, grants and loans) and all have graduated.