German media (Der Spiegel) "The World Bids Farewell to Obama"

by Nathan Natas 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • snowbird

    Fo' shizzle!


  • minimus

    he ain't Jewish,

  • snowbird

    Allahu Akbar!


  • WuzLovesDubs

    I still dont get why the man is being held accountable for a mess that was created by ALL of his predecessors and ALL the bankers and ALL the idiots running the car companies ALL of whom were and are white men who obviously are clueless. And you guys honestly thought he should have personally been held accountable for that guy with the C4 in his underwear not being caught? What about 9/11 and THAT epic fail snafu??? And the endless worthless deadly WAR that W started to cover his own ass?

  • minimus

    It's Bush's fault that there was an earthquake.

  • Farkel

    :I still dont get why the man is being held accountable for a mess that was created by ALL of his predecessors

    For the same reason Bill Clinton got ALL the credit for the booming economy that was ultimately the result of the massive 1986 tax cuts, among other things done by his predecessor(s).

    The President either gets the credit OR the blame for EVERYTHING. If I get fired from my job, it's easy to put all the blame on my boss for me showing up to work drunk and fondling his wife in front of him.


  • JWoods
    I still dont get why the man is being held accountable for a mess that was created by ALL of his predecessors

    Much of the backlash that elected a republican in Mass. was about Obama spending, unemployment, and the unpopularity of the healthcare bill. This has little to do with the former Bush administration; in fact the democratic opponent to Brown actually tried to "run against Bush" -

    It has, after all, been one year for Obama - 25% of the term. It is getting very late indeed to continue to blame his predecessors.

  • minimus

    Obama's a weaker President because now he HAS to account for whatever he wants. The Democrats cannot simply say, we'll be doing whatever we want because we have all the necessary votes. I think when only one party basically makes all the decisions, it is not as fair as it could be.

  • bluesapphire

    The problem is that the GOP will be against Obama whether it is good or bad for the people. All the propaganda they put out has convinced many Americans that they don't need health care reform. They are the party of NO. They even celebrated when Obama failed to get the Olympics. So the super majority actually made it at least *possible* to get anything done. Of course, we still had the trader Joe Liebermann to deal with.

  • JWoods
    Obama's a weaker President because now he HAS to account for whatever he wants. The Democrats cannot simply say, we'll be doing whatever we want because we have all the necessary votes. I think when only one party basically makes all the decisions, it is not as fair as it could be.

    This is becoming more clear today, with many democrats pulling back from the health care bill as it is now - and NO willingness to push it through before Brown can be confirmed. What is astonishing to me is the way the current congress has squandered their chance to pass it with a supermajority - and probably this blame goes about half and half to Pelosi and Obama. I would say (gladly) that this probably means that cap & tax may be dead too.


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