How we treat victims of abuse

by Simon 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Simon

    I hope that they will be treated with respect and shown some consideration!

    If someone doesn't believe their story then I don't believe they should cast doubt on the person or attack them as I doubt they have all the facts.

    I am extremely dissappointed to think that someone could come to the forum for support and be shot down like this.

  • nelly136

    thanx simon

  • teejay


    I agree that those who come to should be given support, BUT...

    Hopefully they have gone through several steps before ever getting here. Their psyches should be strengthned much more than Nute's seemed to be. Victims should know going in that there will be doubters. These days, with so much being uncovered in governments and religious fields that has been kept secret, people are not going to jump to believe every 'sob story' that comes along. Victims should know this. Posting to an online discussion forum is bound to subject he story to a wide range of views, not all of them supportive or believing, and victims should be award of this, too.

    It's interesting when everyone rallied to the Nute's side and 'she' even authored an incoherent thread asking for discussion to cease on another thread. Then I saw yet a different thread authored by Nute (the same Nute?) now on page one, that was very reasoned and missing any signs of emotional suffering or injury. Very odd.

    MadApostate... well... nevermind.

    I'll say this... it seems to have been proven yet again that a healthy dose of skepticism is a good thing.


  • neyank

    Hi Simon,

    Of course you are right.
    Anyone reaching out for help should be treated with compasion.

    There is not one person on this board or anywhere else in the world for that matter who can say with certainty that they KNOW what is going on in a persons mind.

    Let's face it.
    This life we are living is filled with all kinds of stresses.
    Some are caused by ourselves, while some are caused by others.

    Everyone handles things differently.
    A lot of how one handles troubles depends on how they were raised.
    A lot depends on what kind of support structure one might have.
    There are many variables that have an affect on a persons phsyce. (spl?)

    Who of us is willing to step out on a limb and be responsible for one ending his/her life.

    If someone needs help, whether we think they are pulling our leg or not, we should be more than happy to offer help.

    Just my thoughts on the matter.


  • Celtic


    This is just looking at the site from a designers point of view, I am not critising, just offering a few solutions that you may or may not like to discuss.

    In the space that we are working within, within this web based community, everything feels constricted, my suggestion is for you to allow one or two of us to assist you in redesigning maybe parts of the board from a users perspective and that by utilising such suggestions, such action may allow the board overall to operate more smoothly than at present is obviously the case.

    We really appreciate what you have put together, your time and expense incurred in keeping this site up and running. Would you like help in sourcing funding towards improvement? Would you like to let me know?

    I think we could all do with some room to manouevour(?) around, thats the essence of it.

    Its difficult in the space confinement here to be all things to all individuals completely fairly, therefore could not the onus be upon all of us to assist in improving things to provide a better cohabitation living environment?

    Hope your having a great weekend and that your plan for Centre Parcs later in the month are going well.

    Kind regards


  • LB

    Simon I suppose many members come to a site like this looking for support. Of course they won't always receive it. I agree with you on what you say though. Basically it's like mom always said, if you can't say something nice, say nothing at all.

    Teehay a "sob story" is just that. Someone is pouring out their heart. If you don't believe it, fine, I just think beating someone up because they are having a tough time doesn't make any sense. Then to turn around and blast the society for cruelty just doesn't make any sense either. I mean lets try to do better than they have.

    Never Squat With Yer Spurs On

  • patio34

    Simon and LB, good points! Not to belabor it, but if someone doesn't buy the story, move on! Why have to call someone out over it?

    "Never miss an opportunity to keep your mouth shut."

  • radar


    I agree with your post and we all need support.

    We have all left a judgemental and uncaring organisation. Many are hurting. Surely we can all show some fellow feeling, even if it is at the risk of it being missplaced.


  • Mulan

    Simon, thank you SO MUCH for removing those threads. Nute was hurt terribly, and it was so unnecessary. I spoke to Bill Bowen for over an hour this morning, and we are both very disappointed the way her story was received.

    She is okay today. I finally heard from her.

    We appreciate how hard you work for this board, and for all of us. Some just have to play 'devil's advocate' I guess. But kindness is never wrong.

    Marilyn (a.k.a. Mulan)
    "No one can take advantage of you, without your permission." Ann Landers

  • MadApostate

    Yes, thanks there Rick, errrr Simon!

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