This is just looking at the site from a designers point of view, I am not critising, just offering a few solutions that you may or may not like to discuss.
In the space that we are working within, within this web based community, everything feels constricted, my suggestion is for you to allow one or two of us to assist you in redesigning maybe parts of the board from a users perspective and that by utilising such suggestions, such action may allow the board overall to operate more smoothly than at present is obviously the case.
We really appreciate what you have put together, your time and expense incurred in keeping this site up and running. Would you like help in sourcing funding towards improvement? Would you like to let me know?
I think we could all do with some room to manouevour(?) around, thats the essence of it.
Its difficult in the space confinement here to be all things to all individuals completely fairly, therefore could not the onus be upon all of us to assist in improving things to provide a better cohabitation living environment?
Hope your having a great weekend and that your plan for Centre Parcs later in the month are going well.
Kind regards