I have a suggestion. OK, we do not want to lose people like Farkel, Alan, Mind..........Hmmmmmmmmmm, this fluff mind is drawing a blank on names here. Hmmmm, oh yeah focus is one. Maybe by the end of this post I will think of a few more. Yup, sure enough HS, and quit a few others.
OK, he goes. We wish them to stay, but they feel there is to much fluff.
I have two options thanks to a few people's suggestions in chat.
1. We can hijack one of Simon's forums for pure fluff post and let the male egos flow on the main forum. I'm joking about the ego guys, don't shit a brick, OK?
2. We can limit the fluff post to say two days a week devoted to pure fun loving fluff days. But.................on these two days, the male ego posters have to also post fluff or nothing at all.
Do you think this will work?
I don't want someone in my life I can live with. I want someone in my life I can't live without.