....either in publications, during talks or by individual Witnesses?
What Are Some Ridiculous Things JWs Have Said?
by minimus 64 Replies latest jw friends
Russell believed that blacks were inferior and had an article in his publication about the miracle of a black man who ferverntly prayed to God to become white and lo and behold! The man became WHITE! See, miracles do happen!
Had an elder at the KH one time say that some forms of kissing could be 'fornication'.
On that Facebook page we've been having fun with there are several comments along the line of "Satan is out to get us!" If I had little knowledge of jws, I'd be thinking, "Wow, these people are insane!"
I think it's kind of scarier that everyone there agrees with that!
I heard "French kissing" was "loose conduct" and was of a judicial nature to be dealt with.
QE, Really? Do other elders also feel that way????
I can be df'd just for french kissing?
In a nearby Hall, the BOE said that on the platform and elsewhere. It was their belief that it was animalistic and disgusting in God's eyes.
Lady Lee
That victims of sexual abuse must have 2 witnesses to the abuse before the elders can take any action.
Like that's going to happen.
It was said that if a woman didn't scream out loud, she would be also guilty if being raped. Nice, huh?