Lady Lee -
That post was brilliant. It completely calls out the fallacy that the WTBS has successfully "cleaned up" the issue.
I can only comment from the position of a former elder and a person with a history of victims in my family.
Sexual predators make sure no one is around when the prey on their victims. That 2 witness rule is the biggest bunch of bull---- , how can you apply that to a case involving a criminal act with a devious creep and a child ????
Even with all of their new policies and procedures, most Elders are totally inept on how to handle the issue. I have been on a few appeal JC's where a person with a history of sexual abuse was disfellowshipped due to "porneia" or "fornication" and their sexual abuse was NEVER considered. Anyone who does even superficial research on the topic knows that it affects how a person views their body, sex, their esteem and ability to say NO!, etc.......instead the victims are treated like perpetrators and cast out. These people need tender compassion and they get the star chamber treatment. I caused an uproar because I came out and said I could not in good conscience come out and ever disfellowship a victim of abuse - of course I am no longer an elder!!
I just had a conversation with my mom regarding this - all of the additional stipulations and procedures are to protect the WTBS from monetary damages and so they can do "damage control" if the things go public. Its NEVER NEVER NEVER ABOUT THE VICTIM!!!!
Most elders continue to guilt-trip the victim with comments such as 'Well, we dont want this to get out and bring reproach on Jehovah and his organization" or "We can handle this within the congregation" - that is unless state/country law forces them to contact the authorities. Most parents in my experience are never determined to call the police since they get the same guilt trip and veiled threats.
The last case I was on where this came up went like this:
1) I begged the parents to call the authorities, and the other elders were more passive "Well, you could do that but the Society has been notified and they are aware." The parents chose not to call, and out of respect for them, i did not call.
2) The society opened a "case" on it and asked to be notified as soon as the parents decided on the police part.
3) I asked off of the case at that point since I would not follow the BS policies and would not under and circumstances DF the victim (she was on a JC for porneia).
In other words, in my opinion - not much has changed. They have only cleaned up the legal portion so they can cover their rear ends.