At first, I liked it because I was the only one at meetings that was called by their first name when commenting. Even unbaptized JW children were called brother and sister, but I was reminded I was a worldly outsider everytime my name was called. When I got married, I not only lost my first name, but was then called Sister [my husband's last name]. I really had an identity crisis. Then towards the end, I realized that some elders would greet me by saying "hello sister" because not only did they not bother to remember my first name, but didn't even bother to remember and use my last name.
I knew a P.O. who ONLY addressed his wife as "Sister". Not by her first name, not by "honey" or "sweetie" or anything endearing like that. There would be a gathering for lunch or something and he'd turn to his wife and go "Sister, would you please grab me a lemonade?" or something similar.
That grosses me out as much as men calling their wives "Mother."