WT Question from readers WT 11/15/2011
Is it proper to use the term "Iam 3rd generation witness" in the light of the new understnding of the term "Generation"?
No, it is unscriptural now. As it was clearely explained in WT 4/15/2010, several generations overlaping are in the Bible described as one generation. So if a brother is a descendant of his parents and grandparents, who were all Jehovah Witnesses, and their lives were overlaping each other, they are all still the first and one generation of JW. So evidently using the term "second" or "third" generation witness would be violating of above mentioned biblical doctrine.
The only exception from this rule would be, if brotherĀ“s both parents have died many years before the brother was born, so their lives were not overlaping. In this case such brother is entitled to use the term "I am second generation witness".
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