Why Canadian health care is so good
by Nathan Natas 34 Replies latest jw friends
Not perfect. Cost of meds for Cancer for example is outrageous. Line ups (waits) here in Vancouver is unacceptable. But at least one does not declare bankruptcy and loses ones home. Those under 20,000 (roughly) dollars income per year pay nothing in premiums.
Edited to add: our tax base is significantly higher than the US. But I am happy to be here.
Nathan Natas
It seems you believe a LOT of Americans go bankrupt and lose their homes in the USA.
I live here, and no one at my country club has lost their home.
In the USA, most Americans believe Canadian brown bears play ice hockey. That doesn't make it so.
Bankruptcy protects you from losing your home, car and other assets.
Nathan Nathas:
"It seems you believe a LOT of Americans go bankrupt and lose their homes in the USA.
I live here, and no one at my country club has lost their home.
In the USA, most Americans believe Canadian brown bears play ice hockey. That doesn't make it so"
Worldtraveler, you see how morally torpid many Americans are? Nathan obviously belongs to the upper middle class of America in order to belong to a country club and yet he uses that as an example of the average American. But then this is the man who also said, in a post on Global Warming:
"All I need is for Earth to remain intact for another 20 or 30 years. After that, it isn't my problem. Meanwhile I'm going to make CO 2 and fart like there's no tomorrow." (Nathan Natas, Post 8361)
Nathan, like Marie Antoinette was supposed to have said, is basically telling us to eat cake with his country club elitism. And with his ecological fart in our face degradation he is basically telling the rest of humanity that would be here after 20-30 years that they are not worthy of consideration.
Such egotistical arrogance is what will bring this dungheap of a society down. And to prevent such cancerous people from destroying us for their insane lifestyle we need much stronger medicine than elections.
OR, you could start developing a sense of humor and you will see the true nature of nathan satan.
Nathan Natas
Villabozo said, "Nathan obviously belongs to the upper middle class of... [blather blather blather] "
I beg your pardon! My BUTLER is upper middle class. Hrrumpphhh!
hemp lover
Nathan, are you on Medicare?
Nathan, I answered your post 8371 point by point and it's obvious that you are trying to ignore and obscure the response. Whether you actually belong to a country club or not is not even relevant. What impression would it make on someone who has lost his home if he were to come across your post? Not that you care Mr. fart CO2 like there's no tomorrow. So long as your solipsistic lifestyle hangs on for another 20-30 years your attitude and, as Highlander said, sense of humor, is F*** The World.
Nathan suffers from barkolupas, an ailment usually associated with holding trees rather tightly in cold, damp West of the Cascades weather. Also, at his age, his rings are probably shot, leading to a profound increase in noxious emissions. Please be kind, young ones. He will not pollute our environment much longer.