For the record, it is my considered opinion that individuals who are incapable of $upporting the WTS in a financial way (read: minor children) will never have any real value to the Governing Body or the Organization™. They know, because of their teachings, that parents will put the best interests of their children second to the be$t intere$t$ of the WT$, especially when putting the lives and well being of their children first will put their Eternal Life™ and Hope™ of Living Forever In Paradise On Earth™ in jeopardy.
Child molesters within the JWs know this, and they will employ every strategy available to them (including intimidation, twisting scripture and principles such as Headship™ or Having Respect For Ones' Elders™ or Having Respect For Anyone With A Penis™, and of ¢our$e, genero$it¥) to slime their way into a protected and safe haven among JWs. Children have none of those "benefits" at their disposal, so to the WTS, they are, indeed, "disposable".