Yesided" The Google consensus seems to be that Abraham was born ABOUT 2000 years before
Ok. Thanks. I think that was what was missing.
Early Bronze Age (3100-2100) a period of Abram and his mystery genealogy. Middle Bronze Age I (2100-1900 B.C.) would represent the coming of Abraham to Palestine and the Amorites from Syria.
It seems that there was a great catastrophe around 2200 BC that has destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah. The surface of the Dead Sea dropped suddenly by 100m around 2200 BC (Frumkin et al., The Holocene 1.3, 1991)
and another speculation....
It certainly LOOKED like ash! But what to do about this information was a puzzle. After all, these sites have been right out in plain sight since their destruction in about 1897 BC.
It is said Abraham was about 99 at the time of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. So here we have varying dates for that destruction between 1897 BC and 2200 BC. So that's a few generations of discrepancy.
I'd say 2000 BC as an approximation should be fine.
So how many generations since Jesus until now using the 47 year calculation?
And how many generations using the 25 years as a generation?
I am just curious as to how close its been to one thousand generations.
Gods contract with Abraham was only for one thousand generations.