by Trotafox 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • Trotafox

    Thanks, Bigboi. I see that now. That was dumb. Can't get into the message to edit. The editing area disappeared.


    P.S. Ya know, the brain just isn't functioning tonight. For some reason the screen enlarged on me and the editing area went off to the right.
    "Wicked men obey from fear; good men, from love".... Aristotle. You can love and obey Christ without intervention from an organization.

  • rhett

    This is concerning your web page problems.
    Anything, especially Word, made by MS cannot produce a good web page. Have you ever looked at the code from a website made with Word? Oh my god! Talk about a bunch of fluff that you don't need! I'd say purchase a program called Dreamweaver 4 by Macromedia and you can import Word documents and clean up that horrible horrible MS coding to have smaller, quicker, simpler, more reliable pages.
    Also, I agree with Simon, upgrades usually end up bad. Its kind of like building something on top of a sandpit when you upgrade to fix a problem. Its almost always best to go with a clean install. MS stuff can be kind of buggy sometimes. I remember one of my old users was having a problem with her wheel mouse in Excel. I checked MS's knowledge base to see if there was anything there. There was. Their advice you ask? Don't use the wheel. #%&*#$@!

    I don't need to fight
    To prove I'm right
    I don't need to be forgiven.

  • Simon

    If you must use a word processor to create web pages then I'd suggest downloading the HTML export add-on that saves as cleaned HTML files.

    The reason word saves extra stuff in the HTM is that it allows round-trip edits ie. you can save a complex document as HTML and then open it in word and have the original document again with nothing lost. Quite impressive really but not for publishing generally unless on an intranet.

  • rhett

    I didn't think about the roundtrip part. Where do you find that add on?

    I don't need to fight
    To prove I'm right
    I don't need to be forgiven.

  • Simon

    Have a look here:

    There are lot's of add-ons and downloads available at

  • Trotafox

    Simon/Rhett: OK you two. I assume this is something between you two now re Web pages and not concerning the original question in my thread?

    Any more computer gurus out there who care to make a comment about my office computer gremlins? The more the merrier. I'm going to be going after this problem first thing on Monday morning.


    "Wicked men obey from fear; good men, from love".... Aristotle. You can love and obey Christ without intervention from an organization.

  • toddy

    Throw the damm thing out the window...that will solve the gremlins,then your boss will have to get you a nice shiny new puter.

  • fodeja
    Throw the damm thing out the window...that will solve the gremlins,then your boss will have to get you a nice shiny new puter.

    The most reasonable suggestion so far. Alternatively, switch to a company that hires competent IT staff. Unfortunately, in the last years, IT hiring has been dumbed down enormously - management seems to think that "it's Windows, anyone can handle that, so we might as well hire trained monkeys". To some extent, that is correct: even Microsoft certified experts often suggest desparate pseudo-solutions like "just reboot the thing" or "let's just reinstall everything". There's usually not much more you can do, since it's often practically impossible to find out what exactly the problem is. That's why many IT professionals hate Microsoft software passionately.

    Buy yourself lots of Dilbert books in the meantime. They won't fix your computer, but they will lighten up your day.


  • Trotafox

    Toddy: I almost did. This IS my new computer. Management get the new stuff. Staffers get the hand-me-downs. Aren't I lucky.

    Fod: I'm not impressed with our IT staff either but it's all I have. The IS Manager hates Microsoft also. We're stuck with it. We have problems because they keep upgrading us all the time. I keep asking why? What's wrong with this version? Just when you're finally getting productive and in the swing of things with the new version, they come around and upgrade either the operating system or the office suite software again. Now this isn't working, that isn't working, ya-dah-ya-dah-ya-dah.

    I remember when our HR Policy manuals were in WordPerfect and I was trying to meet a deadline for distribution. The I.S. Dept. came around and announced they are taking WordPerfect off our computers and installing WORD. No problem they said. Documents will convert okay. Well, our manual had all kinds of formatted text. Do I need to tell you what they looked liked when the conversion was finished? Have you ever seen, re-e-e-e-ally seen, a Tasmanian devil? That closely resembled what I looked like that day!


    "Wicked men obey from fear; good men, from love".... Aristotle. You can love and obey Christ without intervention from an organization.

  • bigboi
    Do I need to tell you what they looked liked when the conversion was finished? Have you ever seen, re-e-e-e-ally seen, a Tasmanian devil? That closely resembled what I looked like that day!


    All those problems aside, you've got to be a pretty fun lady to work with! That was too funny!



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