And the worse thing is how guilty you feel if you do have the audacity to go to college or to a dance. This "dream killing" is the one area where I struggle not to feel bitter. It is akin to a living murder, taking away a teen's dream, stomping it down and grinding it under the organizational heel. Most kids only want to please their parents.
I think back to myself, reading and writing stories every moment I had the whole time I was growing up, getting straight A's, obviously academically inclined. And I was encouraged to go to secretarial school for 6 mos. (not that there's anything wrong with being a secretary). I still remember the sick feeling in my stomach, reading the brochure. Yes, I went and I aced it, of course. I'm not trying to brag--God knows I'm no Leolaia--but it just wasn't for me.
Okay, okay. I'm in graduate school now and in my 40's. It's okay. It's all okay.