married to JW. Im not sure what your problem is. do you have a lazy wife? or did you have one and now you dont because she got so fed up of you telling her her role she decided the TV was more important?
I think if you stop defining things so black and white and just go with the flow it will work better.
relationships are all about dynamic. as soon as one person stops giving and just takes, it will stop working anyway.
"So basically, you're taking your husbands lack of responsibility to the family as an excuse to say that women shouldn't have a responsibilty to the family either"
basically I said what I meant. - in my words. and it wasnt that.
have you thought about what a woman might do when she finds herself alone with no way to earn money for her kids? - each one should carry his own load and be able to keep themselves and their family if necessary.
I have lots of time with my kids and being a teacher and being academic and creative has definitely inspired them. they are clever, musical and they have a well rounded view of life. Im glad I have more to talk about to them than what I saw on the cooking channel.