After the meeting, a few people came up to show me some fake love like the WT lesson instructed (this is my 4th meeting in a row in over a year of not going, yuck!!). I noticed one of them was wearing a tie tack of the Watchtower logo. Its OK to idolize, by wearing, the corporate symbol of a worldwide multi-billion dollar company, but a cross is wrong? I don't know how long he's been wearing it, but wow, talk about hypocrisy.
Since the Watchtower is God's organization/God, the WT is their mediator to God, the WT is their savior and salvation and the WT is evidence of God's holy spirit, (lol, the WT sounds like the trinity) I suppose it makes sense why someone would wear the WT logo. (If that someone was in a cult)
I wanted to bust his balls soooo bad about the tie tack, but he's genuinely a nice guy. Plus, just showing up again after not going for so long, it probably isn't the best idea to stir up trouble.
Oh, and the paragraph in today's WT about the church member who was expelled from his congregation because of a rumor going around that he was a witch, then came to Jehovah's Witnesses and experienced their love bombing and was suckered into the cult... What doublethink!
Going to meetings again has been an interesting experience. Once you don't believe anymore, each meeting makes it clearer and clearer what a bunch of hypocrites under mind control everyone is.