I have pioneered for over four years. I have three children and a wife who at times has severe back problems. I have worked two Jobs just to stay ahead of the bills and provide for my family. My wife is a great mother and does a fantastic Job taking care of our home. She goes to the meetings at times but refuses to go door to door. I usually am the one to take the kids to the meetings and out in the field ministry.
I have gotten to the point of burn out and badly need a rest. I am thinking of quiting pioneering and have told the elders. I was disapointed somewhat by the response of three of the elders. They seem to think that I should continue pioneering and qiut one of my jobs. I can not provide for my family on the one job. My wife takes care of a few kids in our neighborhood at times to make some extra money, but I do not want her to take on full time work as of yet because of our kids being so young and I think as she does, still need their mother at home.
I am looking for some advice from you brothers and sisters.
This is my first time posting on this site and I am very new to the internet. I am not sure I should even be asking this question here for fear of not taking the counsel of the elders in my congregation. Please help me with this.
I do not want to stop pioneering but because of the limited time with my family, it is really taking its toll on my wife and I feel I am neglecting my kids somewhat.