Death ... friend or enemy?

by The Berean 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • The Berean
    The Berean

    • Without a life expectancy, would manki nd stagnate?
    • What incentive would there be to stay busy, set goals, desire a mate and children, or care for others who would never be in harms way?
    • Why would we do anything today if we always had a tomorrow?

    Could it be that death is natures prod and a necessary motivator of life and should be thus celebrated?

  • FlyingHighNow

    It's all relative.

  • JeffT

    Neither. Just how it is.

    Or look at it this way, it keeps you from having to listen to great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great- great-(you get the idea) grandpa's stories about how wonderful it was in the good old days.

  • FlyingHighNow

    If people didn't die, think of all the landfill and sewer issues.

  • Blue Grass
    Blue Grass

    Truly some odd logic here. If my goal in life was to find a cure for HIV/AIDS or Cancer or end world hunger, I don't see how death can help me achieve my goal. In other words if I lived for 800 years I'd have a much better chance at achieving my goals than living for 80 years.

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    Not friend or enemy, just a visitor. W.Once

  • chickpea

    merely inevitable...

    meaning is personal and fluid...

    at middle age it seems the enemy
    but at a doddering 90+ it might be welcome...

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Death is the cleaning maggots on the assbag of humanity.

  • Crux

    Life is in constant movement. New thoughts, ideas, concepts are constantly presenting themselves that were previously never concieved. There's a strong case for saying that this will never change no matter the amount of time given. Impending doom isn't the only motivator in life. In fact, I'd make the argument that it's one of the least. If you feel the need to find a mate and have children because one day you'll be dead, I might think you have serious mental issues. Love and companionship seem like much larger moving forces.

    Curiosity is another. Imagine all the things there are to learn and see on Earth alone. Then think about the size of the universe. Really think about it. For example, in the entirety of human history until now our Sun has made 0.0008% of its orbit around the center of our galaxy. There's estimated to be 200-400 billion stars in our galaxy. Any number of which have there own solar systems. Now consider the number of galaxies, latest estimates say 500 billion, a number that has conitnually gotten larger the better our technology gets and we realize how large the universe is. Stars are constantly being born and destoryed, and considering only the universe as we know it now, the time it would take you to explore to one end of the universe, by the time you got back nothing would be the same, entire new galaxies would have formed, old ones entirely destroyed.

    If humans were immortal/eternal, I would be more concerned about the limitations of a physical body more so than what my motivation to do things was.

  • frankiespeakin

    Death being an enemy or friend depends on where you are, where you've been, and where you think you're going.

    Boredom, poor health, poverty, and misery make death seem like a friend.

    Vitality, good health, good friend(s), interesting past times, and a bright future make death an enemy.

    Pain if great or unrelenting enough make death seem like a friend.

    Pleasure, duty, religious indoctrination, makes death an enemy.

    Contemplating infinities has caused some mathematicians to commit suicide.

    Loss of of someone you love(Romeo&Juliet) make death a friend.

    Looking forward reaching some great achievement can cause one to worry needlessly about a premature death before that achievement is realized.


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