The little girl stands for your family within the organization all the attempts they will make to encourage you to come back and have their approval if you will just submit. The best friend represents all those that you grew up with in the organization, people you have known all your life, those who you may see once a year at the District Convention who rush up to you and are so happy to see you, they make you feel secure and a part of something. The government agent symbolizes the organization that has desperate need of your services. They make you feel you are apart of accomplishing the greater good for the saving of mankind and without your contribution it could mean the end of everything. These three characters absolutely control your thoughts your very life and everything you do is generated to obtain their favor. Then one day you discover they do not exist but only in your mind. The security of having everything together is destroyed in facing the fact you are a mentally deranged schizophrenic. When you discover this reality what are your options? Take drugs and live in a stupor for the rest of your life? Utilize more sever therapy that could lobotomize your brain into a simpleton state where you function as little more than a vegetable day to day. Perhaps the third alternative is to fight the visions before your eyes, to simply ignore them no matter how they beg to have interaction with you. Fight to live a semi-normal existence for the purpose of sharing life with your mate who believes in you enough to stick through the hard times. The love you have for this person gives you the will and purpose to never quite, to never stop fighting the psychosis that never relents. What does the mate symbolize? The freedom to think, to live, to love, to assist, and to have the chance a normal life offers.
The little girl, the friend, the government agent, are always there, waiting for you to give in, to lose it, and go back to what you were before. They act like you have really let them down and are desperately wrong to not come back to their world. But the love of freedom will not let you give in and you know you must fight it till the day you die to not let “them” win, to not let “them” destroy the reality of accomplishing something meaningful in life, to not let “them” take over your mind so that you would spend a lifetime in a delusional stupor of accomplishing nothing.
Will you go back to being a Jehovah’s Witness?
The metaphors described above are what came to me as I watched the move: “A Beautiful Mind.” If you happen to see it perhaps it will move you the same way.