Watchtower cleans out Kingdom Hall Library's ...

by RR 68 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • villabolo

    I am frankly surprised that these purges did not begin earlier. All the more reason why members of our forum and other ex-JWs who do not want their old books any more should still cling to them for dear life even if they don't want to sell them. By they way the trash bins at my old Kingdom Hall were padlocked decades ago. Who would want their trash? Never mind.


  • slimboyfat

    What terrible vandalism.

    Never heard of it happening here. Our KH has quite a good library, the old CO often 'commended' us for it.

  • donuthole

    Honestly Kingdom Hall libraries are merely decorations. Who actually reads those old books? They have their hands full keeping up with the continual printing of new books, magazines, etc. I think the only use Rutherford's books got at my old hall was when I was a kid and we used to look at them to find the pictures of breasts.

  • leavingwt

    I think it's worth mentioning that this is what is known as "Information Control", as described by Robert J. Lifton.

    "He who controls the past, controls the future."

  • BluesBrother

    My wife's congregation has an excellent Kingdom Hall Library with stuff going right back to CTR and "Studies In The Scriptures" . Many a Sunday I can be found in there before the meeting, hiding from inconsequential smalltalk from the local dubs and verifying some of the things that I read on here about old things they said.

    They had a quickbuild hall not too long ago and the library survived the move....So if there ever has been instructions to rid themselves of old books, it is not universally followed

  • Quirky1

    They had a quickbuild hall not too long ago and the library survived the move....So if there ever has been instructions to rid themselves of old books, it is not universally followed


  • Think About It
    Think About It

    Wow....very interesting. It use to be a source of pride to have an extensive collection of old books in the KH library. Would even borrow what I didn't have to read. Spent countless hours reading and studing that old stuff. I use to be so knowledgable. When I made the decision to leave, I never read another page and have since probably forgot 90% of that stuff.

    Think About It

  • sir82

    This certainly is not even remotely true in the USA. In our KH you can still find Rutherford items if you know where to look. In my old congregation there was a copy of the Photodrama book.

    How would this even be enforced?

    Smells of sensationalism and/or exaggeration.

  • villabolo


    "Honestly Kingdom Hall libraries are merely decorations. Who actually reads those old books? They have their hands full keeping up with the continual printing of new books, magazines, etc."

    I actually read those books. They only had back to the 50s at that KH. I remember an old Sister coming in the library and suggesting that I not read those books. Mind you these were mid 50s books in the early 70s, barey 20 years old!

    "I think the only use Rutherford's books got at my old hall was when I was a kid and we used to look at them to find the pictures of breasts."


  • villabolo

    Sir82: "Smells of sensationalism and/or exaggeration."

    Not necessarily sir82. The UK is a small, densely populated nation and information, positive or negative must travel through the JW grapevine much, much faster than in in the spread out USA. Seems to me like they had to many apostacy problems with the apostates suggesting to the JWs that they read such and such in their own library books so they know it's authentic. That must have triggered shock waves in the UK much faster and with much quicker response from the Branch office (?) than in the USA.

    Nevertheless don't be surpriesed if it happens in the US. I know, from first hand experience and information, that they have been going for at least 30 years to bookstores, buying anything older than a certain amount of years and replacing it with more current books.


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