Apostasy in Law
International Law
Article 18.2 bars coersion that would impair the right to have or adopt a belief...including use of threat, physical force or penal sanctions to compel believers to adhere to religious beliefs...
Penal sanctions are a means of coersion which involve some type of punishment.
Could the requirement of door to door work and turning in time cards be a form of indentured or coerced labor?
Is anything (i.e. priveliges, reinstatement, etc.) being withheld in order to compel production?
Sanction: that part of law which inflicts penalty for violation or bestows reward (priveliges) for its observance.
"The amoral man obeys law not out of sense of moral conviction but because of the consequences that may befall him if he does not."
Has it not been in the financial interest of the corporation to use unpaid labor as a profitable method of conducting business?
Hasn't reptuation, congregational approval, and affection of friends and family been dependant/conditional upon adherence to these corporate dictates?