Cult expert S.Hassan speaks out on witnesses in Russia.
by koolaid-man 27 Replies latest jw experiences
YES!! I love him, and he's dead on. I loved when he said people should know UP FRONT what the jw's (and others) are all about, what their beliefs are, what kind of Bible they have, so people can make informed dicissions based on free will. But we all know that's not how it works. Whether "publishers" know it or will agree with it or not, they are using a form of mind control when they go to the door. Not even a fraction of the people would have become jw's if the information had been told them up front.
I also like the tax thing he talked about. Governement should police these cults, not for their beliefs like he said, but for their fraudulent practices and the dangerous "rules" they hold, then be held accountable! Religion should NEVER be tax free imo.
Thanks for
If the JWs were required to produce a COMPLETE list of disfellowshipping offenses, and the recruiters spent adequate time explaining the consequences of (a) extreme shunning and (b) abstaining from blood, that would be a positive step.
Unfortunately, it's hard to recruit people into a destructive, apocalyptic, mind control cult by being honest with them.
Thank goodness for folks like Steve Hassan.
I was most greatly helped by Steve Hassan's books. I do, however, disagree with him. Cults have a stronghold in many countries because of the abuse of religious freedom. I support Russia's decisions to ban harmful practices. I do get that it is a difficult line to draw in the sand, whose practices are harmful and whose are not. I don't think Russia crossed that line but only chose the clearly cultish groups that harm members.
I left a couple of comments on the site because sure enough, some Dub named "Ted" came on there and started whining "well, I guess the first century Christians would have been considered a cult too", crap.
Let's see how many more Witnesses come on there to defend their cult.
I love, love, love this point!
Unfortunately, it's hard to recruit people into a destructive, apocalyptic, mind control cult by being honest with them.
I left a comment in regards to Ted's "defense" of the NWt and the Blood issue.
I left a couple of comments on the site because sure enough, some Dub named "Ted" came on there and started whining "well, I guess the first century Christians would have been considered a cult too", crap.
Let's see how many more Witnesses come on there to defend their cult.
When a person cannot think for himself, the Divine Command Theorymakes sense.
"God wants us to run our religion like a destructive mind control cult. Therefore, destructive mind control cults are swell."
Great Post.
Totally agree about taking away tax exemptions
Here is the Hassan video.