Minimus, until you free yourself of the indoctrination of the JW against the RCC, you will never really be free.
Free your mind and your ass will follow, my red, protestant brother.
by minimus 36 Replies latest jw friends
Minimus, until you free yourself of the indoctrination of the JW against the RCC, you will never really be free.
Free your mind and your ass will follow, my red, protestant brother.
It's not indoctrination. It's what I see. I'm not a Protestant or anything religious. I'm all religioned out!
There is definitely an element of mind control at work in many of the trappings of both RC as well as Protestant religions. The huge pipe organs, soaring cathedral ceilings, toothy gargoyles, etc ... all done with the intention to instill a sense of dumb-struck awe for God's majesty and might, and very effective, especially a huge cathedral organ at full swell which can literally shake you to your core.
But if this is the definition of a cult, then what religion is not a cult? If this meaning is applied, then "religion" is merely a proper subset of "cult".
That "mind control" that you talk about along with all its trappings is cultic.
That's not mind control. That's beauty. The music, the art, the architecture, all related to worship. It is beautiful, and there isn't anything wrong with that. If you have a problem with that, then be consistent and say you have a problem with the Temple and Tabernacle as described in the old testament. Jesus Himself never took issue with the beauty of the Temple.
I received my baptism last year, and it was a beautiful service. Me and the other adults that received baptism wore white robes, symbolizing our sins being washed away, and had our candles lit by a single candle after being baptized, symbolizing the holy spirit and the light that cannot be conquered by the darkness. We then walked through the packed church and lit everyone's candles, passing the light from person to person until all the half-lit church was lit by the candles. There we were, one flame, one church. It was beautiful, my church is very beautiful, and our music played by our very talented members is also beautiful. We have two priests, and they are both good men. One served in Afghanistan in the Army, and the other is young, and from Poland. It is nothing like it was in Kingdom Hall. When we sing the Gloria, and Kyrie Eleison, it is truly moving and spiritual, nothing like singing Kingdom Melodies. I never get tired of it.
RC can come and go as they please, they can even tell the Pope to go stuff himself, they will not be shunned, though they might get a clod shoulder from their local priest, LOL !
RC are allowed to disagree woth doctrine and they will not be thrown out or excummincated for that and if they leave they are always welcomed back.
Not very cultish.