Has anyone here ever researched or thought about DNA memory? There's a lot of weird, esoteric stuff out there concerning this, like you can somehow access your ancestors' memories. That's not really what I'm talking about - to me, that sounds a little too fanciful. DNA is a relatively recent discovery and obviously, there's still a lot to learn. Do you think that your experiences become a part of your DNA and can be passed along the same way that eye and hair color, body type and other physical characteristics? I started wondering about this a couple of years ago...it could explain simple things like deja vu or even why we can feel an instant connection with a place we've never been to before or why we're drawn to certain personality types. I'd love to hear your thoughts!
DNA memory
by poopsiecakes 46 Replies latest jw friends
DNA is a molecular memory structure, but it does not store mental images or thoughts.
There is a lot to learn. However, all we can do is speculate about "DNA memory". You might find this interesting:
On a different, note. What you do can in fact affect your children, and grandchildren, and maybe even further out. The DNA you pass on won't change, but the epigenetics will. It sounds Lamarckian, but it has been demonstrated.
Sorry, but no.. After my intense study of genetics last year, it became clear what information is or isn't stored in the molecular scructure. Memories are only found in the brain, and do not make up any part of the DNA.
Memories are very powerful though and I do agree that neurologists still have only tapped into so little of the understanding of how the brain works. Best of luck with your research!
How does Evolution work then ? if an advantage developed by a person, or animal, cannot be passed on as memory in the DNA some way, then how is it passed on ?
It is too late tonight for me to put this succinctly, but I think we are touching on something quite big here.
Wobble (old fat & tired)
Thanks for the links, BTS. Cool stuff...
jdhf I appreciate your insight - I have never studied anything like genetics and I'd love to hear more of what you've learned. I just can't help but think that something as complicated as DNA or the brain has a lot to teach us and it's right here in our own bodies!! There's so much to learn and since breaking free of JW imposed thoughts I love being able to look at things like this from all angles. There's so much that we don't understand and I believe that the way they're researching DNA will unlock a lot of interesting stuff that we can't even fathom right now.
DNA is coded information for the production of protein molecules and it has all kinds of memories stored in it. I'm not saying mental memories but it might? It has personality traits stored in it. What makes a zebra's personality so wild and untameable and different from his genetic cousin the horse who can be broken, tamed and ridden by a man, Its in the DNA somewhere. What make a lion so ferocious and a cat so tame, DNA structure, wildness, tameness, are just of the few types of inherited traits.
Yours and mine personality have lots of similarities and lot of difference some from our DNA and some from culture. We are programed by DNA to learn language quickly as a child, DNA does it.
We don't understand DNA fully and how it produces these things we may be able to identify certain sequences that produce certain traits but that doesn't mean we understand how.
All of our evolutionary past is in our DNA and about 97% of it is turned off we use about 3% to build our bodies one day we will be able to use supercomputers to tell us all about every step that led to our species developement from a one celled animal, we can see in the development of a fetus our whole evolutionary embryonic past.
So maybe one day we might even find even crude memories or complex ones once we learn to understand what certain sequences do.
A simple mathematical(fractal) formula in our DNA makes our blood vessels branch out so well that every cell has access to blood supply.
An article Why Your DNA Isn't Your Destiny in the January 6 issue of TIME (link included here) shows compelling evidence that supports the following statement:
" ... Bygren and other scientists have now amassed historical evidence suggesting that powerful environmental conditions (near death from starvation, for instance) can somehow leave an imprint on the genetic material in eggs and sperm. These genetic imprints can short-circuit evolution and pass along new traits in a single generation."
Len Miller
Your DNA when you die isn't different from your DNA when you were born unless it is damaged (by a virus), so no, there is no hidden data about your life accumulated in there for future generations to access.
Scientists know how to decode the DNA, we can read it. All of it. There is nothing in it other than instructions for how to build a body, and non-functional damage (lots of it).