A scientist is an expert on science. Doesn't make him an art critic or a great singer, does it?
It is outside his area of expertise.
It is standard folly for a person with credentials in one field to step in a pile of plop by straying into a field outside their firm knowledge base.
A christian wants christianity to be real and true no matter what profession he practices.
It isn't too difficult to see how a scientist who is a believer will superimpose BELIEF over science and make it shrink to fit like a pair of blue jeans.
If the Bible were reliable as communication from the Highest Mind in existence (namely: God) we would have had a preserved uncorrupt original text to test modern translations against to avoid error, corruption, tampering and malfeasance over the millennia.
We don't!
The folly of believing in a corrupt text and making it commensurable with a testable science is ludicrous and sad.
I feel sorry for this physicist for making a rather natural and human error in judgement such as this.
False premise=false conclusions.