Favorite Love Songs?
by Robdar 187 Replies latest jw friends
Miss Chievous
Goo Goo Dolls - Iris
In an ornery mood tonight.
Paradise by the Dashboard Light
(It was long ago and far away, and it was so much better than it is today!)
I first heard this song in the movie "A Man Apart". It was so sad. The story is about a man that lost the woman he loved.
This one is where a woman is yearning to be loved by a man. This song was made when Anita Baker sang with the group "Chapter 8". I was a teenager at the time. Being in love is something that "many" teenage girl think about.
Hubby and I saw Sade in concert when I was pregnant with my first child. The concert was wonderful and the baby enjoyed it too (a lot of kicking).
MrsJones, I'd go around singing the Angela Bofill version of "I Try" when I was younger. Girl, I had that song down. Whenever I was mad at my husband, I'd sing it! I'd blast it! LOL! I love that song!