You could try a sleep clinic. My husband had/has this problem and he had the surgery. It worked for a while but he gained a bunch of weight and he won't quit smoking. So now he snores more than ever. You can hear him through the walls and the floor it is so loud, so I understand your issues. Take this serious. Look up on the net about sleep disorders. Most snorers have sleep apnea. In the long term it can cause serious damage to your body. You are disturbing your sleep cycle which your body needs in order to regenerate. It can and does in many, led to heart disease.
Do you fall asleep within minutes or even seconds? This is a sign of sleep apnea.
A word to your wife. You can be affected physically also. Because his snoring wakes you up often it has the same affect as sleep apnea does. I now have Fibromyalgia due to my husband's snoring waking me continually each night. I suffer in pain each day because of it. Fibromyalgia is another condition due to having your sleep disrupted long term, which you and your husband both can get from his snoring. No cure, just pain.
You both need to take this serious and seek help from your doctor for a reference to a sleep clinic. They will test you and then suggest different options.
Do some research on-line. Type in sleep apnea or snoring, you'll find lots.
Some people wear a shirt with a tennis ball taped to the back of it so that the person can't roll onto their back. Rolling over on your back increasing the likelihood of snoring. They have the nose stips too that you can buy at the drug store. But for a heavy, serious snorer, these types of things usually don't work.
Hope that this helps.
As Always,