The Watchtower hates the word, "You"

by moshe 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • Quillsky

    Oh my dear god.

    Some might reason that areas such as entertainment and dress and grooming are personal matters

    Some is also publication-speak for "those who are weak in the truth". Or those who dare to reason.

    Some is also publication-speak for "it may sound reasonable but we're about to proclaim that if you have these thoughts you're not acceptable here."

    YES BROTHERS IN THE WRITING DEPARTMENT, areas such as entertainment and dress and grooming ARE personal matters. Where the fuck in the bible does it state that women may only wear skirts to worship or preach but they may wear trousers to picnics or work, and where the HECK does it say that men may not wear any facial hair except for mustaches?

    SHOW ME where in the bible it says "don't purchase a theater performance ticket for you and your husband in front of a sister lest you stumble her"? (.....from another thread on here).

    For the dedicated Christian who cherishes his place in the congregation

    I hope some lurkers and doubters here understand this implicit threat to your safe place in the congregation/organization. Please get out of that messed up religion now, unless you really cherish your safe place in The Order of Control.


  • Quillsky

    Just to clarify, when I re-read my post it sounded like I was using "Cult" as a four-lettered expletive.

    I was.

  • HappyGuy

    Since the Governing Body IS the slave class that first paragraph doesn't actually make any sense. Let's replace slave class with Governing Body

    "We (The Governing Body and you readers) need to examine our response to the direction we receive from the Governing Body..."

    This makes absolutely no sense. How can I give myself direction?

  • poopsiecakes

    Pretty scary when you see it in that context - thanks Moshe....shudders...

  • sd-7

    If the GB says "we", they give the illusion that they are not above the law, either. Which is true only so far as anyone knows about what they do and so much as a particular rule violation would endanger their political cred. But reality is that they ARE the law, and if they as a whole (or at least a 2/3 majority) had a problem with any particular rule, doctrine, or policy, they would change it. If WE have a problem with a rule, doctrine, or policy, we (that is to say, YOU) have to wait on them to change it, not try to change it yourself--and certainly not ignore it, regardless of whether it makes sense or is true or not.

    Besides, there is no YOU. There is only "us". Doctrine over person, remember? Lifton's 8 characteristics of mind control?


  • poppers

    Good catch, moshe. It's starkly clear how manipulating they are being while simultaneously trying to hide it through their use of "weasel words". Wow.

  • hamsterbait

    When I was a student, I remember having lunch with other classmates.

    One of them asked what I believed.

    I started "we this we that blah blah barf" as a true witless does.

    He listened a while and said: "I am concerned at your constant use of "we". Are you part of a collective hive? Would you still believe this if NOBODY else did?"

    At the time I thought it was Satan undermining my confidence in the Borg.

    Now I see what he meant.


  • hamsterbait

    When they change a major doctrine, they have often said

    "Some have said that " (they said it)

    "the pages of this magazine have taught that" (we taught it)

    This use of distancing is so that the R&F dont cotton on to the fact that they are changing what they taught because once again THEY got it WRONG, and refuse stubbornly to admit the fact.

    Then they use



    reasoning persons will see that

    to hide that there really is no proof for what they are saying, but that logical, reasoning persons will see that what they are now saying (in contradiction of what they believed last Sunday) is evident.

    (Though they never produce the evidence)


  • moshe

    My daughter was doing her science homework today and there were a series of statements that she had to answer, fact or opinion. I was thinking about all the unique WT doctrines and wondered what a test of them would look like and how JW's would do with the fact or opinion quiz. They really don't understand that most of the core WT teachings are just the opinion of elderly men at Brooklyn WT Hdqtrs. Everytime I see the WT use the word "evidently", without any supporting evidence, I just substitute the work "hopefully" to correct the sentence.

  • WuzLovesDubs

    That whole use of the language talks DOWN to people. Its meant to be demeaning and making them remember they are NOTHING and that the Mother Ship controls everything that they do, that they think, that their decisions are all made for them and that anyone who DARES to question or defy would be included in that dreaded word "some" post haste.

    No wonder we were all so depressed. You spend your whole life being put down by someone you put your trust believe you are worthless.

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