God of Abraham vs God of Moses (and other gods)

by cameo-d 16 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • cameo-d

    Many people say that the bible has contradictions. Many find that god seems to be inconsistent in his dictates, and even unjust acording to their own sense of fairness which comes from conscience.

    Could it be that these contradictions arise because people believe that the bible portrays a one singular true god? If this were so then there is certainly evidence to be found that this god is neurotic and has a terrible case of OCD, what with all the rituals of "do this three times, then turn toward the east, etc."

    There seems to be some glaring differences in the character of the god of Moses when compared to the god of Abraham.

    Take for example, god's availability. In Genesis, we are told that God himself came to visit Abraham, yet Moses had to climb a mountain to get to his god. God sat down under a tree and had lunch with Abraham. Moses god said that "no one can see me and live". Abraham's god required body mutilation as a test of obedience and submission. Moses god instructed him that people were to make "no cuts or markings" on their body.

    Could the real problem be that the masses have been misled to project their idea of a monotheistic deity onto this compilation of old writings which may actually be describing various gods of different cultures and different times in civilizations?

  • PSacramento

    In the OT, people got God's message via his Angels ( Messengers) and via his prophets.

    What we have in the bible is the witten word of MEN who were inspired by their belief in God to write about God and what THEY thought God was and what he wanted.

    Some of them may have been right and other may have been wrong but I am sure they all though they were at least inspired by God.

  • elder-schmelder

    PSacramento: Are you Joking?

    You answer dont make any sense. Either it is the word of God or the word of men. You can't have it both ways.


  • sinis

    Duality between Enlil and Enki - Jewish texts are rewritten Sumerian texts...

  • PSacramento
    You answer dont make any sense. Either it is the word of God or the word of men. You can't have it both ways.

    Sure you can, I do.


    Inspired by doesn't = written by.

    You really think God told the isrealites to kill all the womean and children of their enemies in the OT? to make a mountain of mutiliated penis foreskins?

    That God, so displeased with man decided to kill ALL living creaters on earth by a flood?

    You really beliece that was the best that God could come up with?

  • sinis

    You really think that the duality of "Gods" in the OT, BORROWED from Sumerian texts - Enki (lord of medicine, knowledge, and wisdom - creator of man and animal), and Enlil (god of agriculture, given dominion over th earth) - is not a 100% pure relection of the Jewish version of Jehovah (enlil) and Satan (enki)??????????

    Really think about it for a second, and WHERE the "stories" of the OT originated from. Older records with similar stories exist from neighboring cultures - Sumerian records are THOUSANDS of years older... after all Abraham was a resident in the city of UR - a Sumerian city (also known as Urim) he was NOT a Jew.

  • fluke

    You can trace all biblical stories back to three main areas...

    China/Asia... The yellow emporer and the Golden Aeon/Age/Era...

    North Africa...

    Native Americans... (though that isn't the true name for them... They live by different names throughout their land...)

    They each a slightly different version of their own 'truth' or knowledge, they teach their families in much the same and for the most part the ideals they would have tought were of harmony with those around them... With the environment and in their own lives... Spirituality was their life, it wqasn't till the written word came along and then with 'law' that there was Dogma and holier than thou...

    The Bible we know today, including the Kuran/Quran is from the Egyptian / Etheopian tales or religion...

  • sinis

    ...Uh,... China, North Africa and Native Americans? Oldest known culture is the Sumerian.

  • cameo-d

    Why would the god of abraham demand something so demeaning and painful as circumcism? Was this a punishment for something? Wouldn't this mean that "god" had not created man in a correct fashion if something needed to be amputated? Why would this god show such cruelty?

    I am suspicious as to whether Abraham may have worshipped the god(s) of the Amorites since he had a strong alliance with these people. The Oak of Mamre ( where he met god and had lunch) was a landmark and a meeting place (it was much like a truck stop, as it was a resting place for refueling the camels and grabbing a chunk of Feta and a nap.). The oaks also served as an "altar of worship". The philosophy was that the tree symbolized those on earth reaching to touch the sky, which in turn was a metaphor for people attempting to communicate and worship the god in the sky. Often treasure and victory spoils were buried as offerings underneath the oak tree. The oak is also a druidic symbol.

    Abraham's father was an idol maker, so I would imagine old habits and upbringing die hard.

    Here is a curious scripture about a variety of gods. What information do we have about the gods that existed before the flood? Who were they? Here the scriptures give people a choice in choosing the gods on the other side of flood, or gods of the Amorites, or this "Lord" who, in preceding verses we are told, provides for his people through the spoils of war.

    The strange thing is, Joshua gives acknowledgement to these other gods as being valid entities as well. It is almost as though a contest among the gods for popular favor with the people. Which god appears to be doing more for you? With man acting as god and manipulating war for (gold, oil, drugs) this god does appear to be the lucrative god worth serving. This god rewards with materialism and comforts.

    Joshua 24:

    14Now therefore fear the LORD, and serve him in sincerity and in truth: and put away the gods which your fathers served on the other side of the flood, and in Egypt; and serve ye the LORD.

    15 And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell:

  • cameo-d

    According to Exodus 6:2, 3, Shaddai is the name by which God was known to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The name Shaddai (Hebrew: ???????) is used as a name of God later in the Book of Job.

    Shaddai was a late Bronze Age Amorite city on the banks of the Euphrates river, in northern Syria.


    It would appear that the name of the god also identifies the name of the Amorite city. The NWT translates this god Shaddai as also being Jehovah. So here we go, rolling all these gods into one.

    And why is it that this god is always the god of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and Moses is never included? You would think Moses would be a major player.

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