Will Ferrell from Talledaga Nights
Tell me about your avatar(not the Gravatars)
by asilentone 80 Replies latest jw friends
Cosmo Kramer - The Assman
< Me, signing my life away on my wedding day- the guy in the blue shirt behind me is my dad.
Shamus- I think monkeys are cute too!
Asilentone- arnt guys who drive fast cars usually compensating for something? LOL
wha happened?
That was a low blow. I have a fast car.
<----Hubby and I, shortly after we got married.
Aussie Oz
Me, photoshoped in front of one of my artworks and with one of my girls i create next to me.
It's also the logo i use to promote my art.
Alligator Wisdom
Taken from the Greatest Man Who Ever Lived book Chapter 82 in reference to Luke 13:24 "Exert yourself vigorously to get in through the narrow door".
I came to the realization that the "narrow door" leads INTO freedom and OUT of the WTS.
Alligator Wisdom
<------me a few years ago. I cropped it ...... The rest of the picture I'm naked.
a mandala, in buddhism and hinduism,
has ritual and spiritual significance...it represents the nature of experience and
the intricacies of both the enlightened and
confused mindi will ultimately end up changing it since
i really dont feel especially confused
about the b0rg any longer -
"I am Oobedoob Benubi. I have the silliest name in the galaxy. "
"Oobedoob Scooby-Dooby Benubi?""You'll never get away with this, Black Helmet Man! You are bad! You are bad and we are good! Your badness will be the end of you, and our goodness will be our triumph! Bad is bad - good is good! Bad-bad-good-bad! Good-good-bad-good, bad! Good"
"Oh, don't try to scare me with your ooby-dooby magic talk, Helmet Man. Your "I'm a horrifying warlock and I'm going to get you with my mystic potions" talk sicken me! I laugh at you and your "I'm a frightening wizard threat of hostility." Why don't you gather some frog legs and eyes of a newt, and conjur up a potion that will get you your face back, and perhaps make you one mere ounce less pathetic than you truly are!"