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What happens if a 'wrongdoer' passes away in the middle of a JC, before a decision is taken?
by african GB Member 10 Replies latest jw friends
they would be disfellowshipped in absentia and the congregation would be told not to attend the funeral.
It would depend on if death was due to stressful situation caused by JC. If so, I would expect some legal repercussion might be in order.
African GB Member, When you say "what happens" ...what do you mean? Do you mean "what happens to the wrongdoer in the big picture - as in their fate?" Or do you mean "what happens as far as a decision being rendered, handed down, announced?". TPT
well if I were presiding on a JC and he/she dropped dead(via natural causes, heart attack etc, barring suicide) before judgement could be passed, I'd dissmiss the whole thing and still attend their funeral since they weren't DF'd
They consult the chapter "WRONGDOING" and reference the 4th subheading "What to do if an accused member dies while the body of elders is deliberating"
2 Things will be considered:
1. If the decision was to disfellowship, then its clear that Jehovah took care of things for you. Call 911, go home, and bang your wife for the obligatory 15 seconds like you always do.
2. If the decision was not to disfellowship but show "mercy", then its clear that Jehovah took care of things for you. Call 911, go home, and bang your wife for the obligatory 15 seconds like you always do.
SUBHEADING: "What to do if wrongdoer slips in a coma?"
1. Call branch first, then 911. Regardless of length of coma, its clear that Jehovah took care of things for you. After calling 911, go home, and bang your wife for the obligatory 15 seconds like you always do, while waiting for letter from branch.
If I were the accused and I passed away during my JC hearing I think that I would have a few tense nano-seconds of suspense to see if I was resurrected and if so, where?
I love your question african. It points up the legalistic, Talmudic aspect of Jehovah's Witness cult doctrine where salvation is earned filling up coupon books of green stamps with redeemable rewards based on the Watchtower premium catalog.
wha happened?
it becomes sort of a heads or tales scenario. If the person falls forward it means "tales", and they are df'd. Falling backwards would means "heads", and they would get private reproof
edmond dantes
I imagine that it would take them at least an hour for them to realise because they would be so tied into the judicial process.I can see it now ," Are you refusing to answer the charge yes or no?" Then after repeated questioning for about an hour it would be " Well you leave us no alternative you are no longer considered a Jehovah Witness , have you anything to say ?" Another long silence , " Why are looking at us in that way insolence will not get you through Armageddon ."
Better carry him out and leave him in the car park !
Okay, everyone is wrong. If the sin is widely known, the elders will tell people that they were counseling and help the dead person to return to Jehovah. If it is not widely known, they proceed to the funeral without much fanfare.
Either way, they conduct a funeral and give their standard recruiting talk about what Brother Almost-DF'ed believed and what his hope was and how he can wake up in Paradise, but his family and friends better get in line with Jehovah's Chariot if they ever want to see him there.