I worked on many QB's in the eightees ,one stands out in my mind where they organised the media to come ,"3 days is'nt it amazing etc? " ,well they should have hung around to see the injuries that are hushed up ,but the best was on the third day when it became apparent the bricks were running out ,well that sent the organisers into a panick and we were directed to make sure that the place to run out of bricks should be on the rear wall where noone could see it from the street. We thought Jehovah would provide more bricks but they could'nt be gotten from anywhere.
It is an aging building now ,where are the promises of the people coming to fill these halls we built ? Some have been sold off to other religions and they never did fill those seats ,once I was privvy to an elders conversation and they were discussing whether to shift some of the seats to storge and spread out the remaining ones so the brothers would still feel that jahs promise would be fulfilled in filling the seats ...where was there faith ?