we all remember the doctrine of blood guilt,now for some time i have been of the belief that the GB are blood guilty for the death of the witness in the german concentration camps,they were told to preach against the Nazi party ,which is in violation of the bibles principle of 'being no part of the world' and is verging on political action. this work drew attention to themselves by the german authorities. had they just been good christians and keeping out of politics none would have died in the camps.
blood on the hands of the governing body.
by xbro 17 Replies latest jw friends
Well xbro - two things...
1. No Governing Body to worship err... obey back then. Just Good ole Judge Ratherflawed.
2. Not joining the German military when conscripted in Nazi Germany would result in death or concentration camp anyway - whether you preached against Uncle Adolf or not.
But I agree that the Judge (as in "I tried one court case for four days so I'm a judge doncha know?") sat in his big tower/cadillac and hung his followers in Germany out to dry and so did the GB when it came to Malawi - now there's a case that fits your description perfectly.
They have much to answer for in general re: the deaths of jw's. Just a note for lurkers, not one jw was ever gassed in the camps. Those that died, died due to other reasons. Not to minimize the jw deaths during that time, just saying. My jw is under the impression that all the jw's were rounded up like the Jews and gassed along with them. Penton has a good book about jw's & Hitler if you are interested. At first Rutherford was in line with the Hitler regime and it wasn't until Hitler did not allow jw's to continue with their message did the jw's go against the Nazi's. I think Freeminds or jwfacts probably has the letter Rutherford sent the Nazi government.
If there is God......
The GB of the JW's will bear a heavy price.
Don't forget the ridiculous Malawi issue over that party ID card.
what happened to malawi? didnt hear about that ,ide faded by then!
The Malawi JWs under the instructions of the WT corporation would buy a .35 party card and so were tortured for it.
Yes, and not only that, but JWs in the United States were instructed to write thousands of letters to Malawi which just made the dictator even madder at the local witnesses. It was totally unneccessary, but the WTS just loved it because it was "persecution".
You can read about this issue in the Ray Franz book COC.
BTW, it was in the 1960s.
Lady Lee
Ray Franz discusses Mexico and Malawi in his book Crisis of Conscience p 155
In Malawi the government decided everyone had to buy a political card. There was only one party so it wasn't like the card was saying a person belonged to a party. In reality it was more like an identity card. But the org decided this was a political issue and forbade JWs from buying the card. As a result the JW were banned. They were arrested and killed. Women and girls were beaten, raped and killed. Even children were killed. All for a stupid card that the WTS said was from the devil.
At the same time in Mexico the WTS decided it was OK for brothers to bribe government officials so they could get a card saying they had served their time in the Mexican army. This decision was not based on any scripture but rather on the policy that the Mexican government had regarding property. ALL religious property belonged to the government. Churches did not belong to the church or the cong but rather to the government. So instead of allowing the govt to own the KHs the WTS decided that in Mexico the WTS/JWs were not a religion but rather a "cultural organization" As such they could own their property. JWs did not carry Bibles with them on service. They had no prayers or songs. Baptisms were called "the symbol" Cong were called "companies"
Franz states in a footnote:
20 In the 1970s, my wife and I attended an international assembly in Mexico City and we were lodged at the Society's Branch office. President Knorr was also there and during out stay he conducted a group of us on a tour of the various buildings of the Mexican branch. During the tour, he commented directly on the legal status of a "cultural organization" held in Mexico and he specifically mentioned as a primary reason for this unusual status the fact that it allowed the organization to keep control of its properties in that country.
When I read this the first time it hit me like a ton of bricks. The out-riught lies. No Bibles? No songsd? No prayers??? After reading that there was no way I could believe the WTS was the "truth" TM