Elder Overstays Welcome With My Mom

by minimus 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    The other day I visited my mother and as I was leaving, an elder and 2 young publishers came to see how my mother was doing. After exchanging brief pleasantries, I left. The elder stayed over an hour and my mother, growing more exhausted, asked if the elder could say a prayer before he left. He answered: "I'm not ready to leave yet". He stayed another 45 minutes and related experiences he had while a missionary. When HE was ready to leave, he asked her what she would like him to pray to Jehovah about. My mother thought this was a bit odd but gave him ideas on what was on her mind. He prayed and left with his 2 young disciples after staying nearly 2 hours. My exhausted mother went to bed and fell asleep.

    It amazes me that some people simply think they are all that! I never really cared for this guy. Always was a showoff type of person and because he was a Bethelite/Missionary, he was "beloved" by the congregation.

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    guess he really needed those two extra hours ...so sorry your mom was his captive audience of the day .

    I think a polite call is in order to remind visitors short visits are more appreciated so as not to exhaust the elderly . This kind of announcement was made frequently at our hall .

  • minimus

    Yes, as long as he had these unbaptized publishers, he could still count his time AND "encourage" my mom.

  • asilentone

    Well my Dad talks alot like that, he knows that I do not like his blah, blah, blah, etc... He is a good Dad though.

  • minimus

    Your dad is your dad. This guy just loves his own voice.

  • asilentone

    He used to be very pushy, but now he has mellowed out considerably.

  • Mall Cop
    Mall Cop

    Mini, "To see how your mother was doing." What was she doing? Was she missing meetings? Are her field service hours lower. What was the real reason for his visit? Did the body of Elders authorize this "SHEPHERDING CALL?"

    Could you have stayed a little longer or would that put you in the line of fire?

    I don't like "Blabber Mouths" and that is what this Elder sounds like to me. All him, me me me me me me.


  • minimus

    Blue, the elders typically visit her to check on her and they care about her. When I see these guys, I'm cordial but I don't want to stick around because I don't want to hear their love bombing or anything else.

  • Married to the Mob
    Married to the Mob

    The cong do something similar with my MIL but usually try and stick around. I can tune out the love bombing and it tends to make cleaning up the aftermath easier.

    A bottle of over the counter blood thining pills appeared recently and my wife and her mum were taking them.


    Apparently someone in the cong had a stroke and if she had been taking these they might have saved her.


    Between that and don't get the H1N1 vaccine as it has blood products in it line one of them pulled a few months ago, i didn't realise the elders and co were SO knowlegable on medical issues!

  • miseryloveselders

    Blue, the elders typically visit her to check on her and they care about her. When I see these guys, I'm cordial but I don't want to stick around because I don't want to hear their love bombing or anything else.

    Many Elders really do care. It's not all about "making your time" with all of them. I got three elderly ones in my group whom I check up on regulary. Two of them have adult children, who are up in years as well, so they can't do as much for their parents as they'd like to. I'm younger, so it doesn't bother me none. At the end of the day, it feels good to know you helped someone out whether it be cleaning for them, doing some shopping, navigating their complicated insurance issues, etc..

    I will concede though, there are those Elders and its not limited to Elders only, you got Pioneers, Servants, etc, who are all about tooting their own horn. For them it is about making their time. They miss the whole point. Minimus thats a lot of nerve on that guy's part. I wonder too, if its not just all arrogance on his part, as much as its a lack of discernment on his part? I've seen plenty of times where JWs don't have enough common sense to recognize that they need to cut their presentation short, or cut their visit short, now is not the best time, etc.. They've exhausted your Mother, and they probably think they did a good thing.

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