The other day I visited my mother and as I was leaving, an elder and 2 young publishers came to see how my mother was doing. After exchanging brief pleasantries, I left. The elder stayed over an hour and my mother, growing more exhausted, asked if the elder could say a prayer before he left. He answered: "I'm not ready to leave yet". He stayed another 45 minutes and related experiences he had while a missionary. When HE was ready to leave, he asked her what she would like him to pray to Jehovah about. My mother thought this was a bit odd but gave him ideas on what was on her mind. He prayed and left with his 2 young disciples after staying nearly 2 hours. My exhausted mother went to bed and fell asleep.
It amazes me that some people simply think they are all that! I never really cared for this guy. Always was a showoff type of person and because he was a Bethelite/Missionary, he was "beloved" by the congregation.